词根:ducc, duc, duct(du) = to lead(引导)
来源于拉丁语的ducere 意为to lead,这对词根的孳生能力很强,其同族词不下百个。du 是它们的变形。同义词根有来源于拉丁语的men(mean)和来源于希腊语的agog。此外,还有意为to drive 的来源于拉丁语的词根ag/ig/act,flig,pel/puls(peal)等。
1. abduct [拉向远处ab(=away)+duct(=lead)]
n. abduction诱拐
n. abductor诱拐者
The robber decided to abduct a hostage.(强盗决定绑榘一名人质)
2. conducive [一起、一块拉的con<com(=together)+duc(=lead)]
conduce v.有助于,有利于
The excessive cold in the classroom is not conducive to learning. 教室太冷会不利于学习。
3. induce [向里拉in(=in, into) +duc(=lead)]
v. 引起,诱发;劝诱;[逻]归纳;[医]用人工方法引导
iriducement n. 劝诱
Doctors often induce labor in pregnant women with powerful drugs.(医生常常使用强效药来为孕妇引产)
4. traduce [拉过头、拉偏C~ tra<trans ( = over, across) + duc ( = lead)]
traducer n.诽谤者
Stars are used to seeing their names traduced in the tabloids.(看见小报中伤自己的名誉,明星们已经习以为常了。)
5. aqueduct
n.沟渠;导水管,水道 *aqu(=water)
6. conduction
n.(电流、热等的)传导 *con<com(=together)
conduct v. 传导;引导;指挥
conductive adj.传导的
7. conductor
n.指挥家;列车长;(电流、热等的)导体 *con<com(=together)
conductress n. 女车长
semiconductor n. 半导体
8. deduct
n. 扣除,减除 *de(=down)
deduct 1O% from the salary(从工资里扣除10%)
9. deductible
adj.可扣除的;可减免的 *de(=down)
deductible tax (可减免的税款)
10. deduction
n.扣除(额),减除(额);推论;演绎 *de(=down)
deductions from pay for insurance and pension(从薪水里扣除一部分作为保险费和退休金)
11. deductive
adj. 推论的;演绎的 *de(=down)
deductive method(演绎法)
12. ductile
adj.(金属)叮延展的;易教导的;顺从的 *ile(=capable of)
ductility n.(金属的)可延展性;(人等的)可塑性
inductile adj. 无延展性的:难以教导的
13. induct
v. 使(正式)就任;吸收为会员;使入门;【逻】归纳;引导 *in(=into)
14. induction
n. (正式)就职;入门;人会;归纳(法);诱导 *in(=into)
induction course(入门课程)
induction ceremony(入会仪式,如加入Phi Beta Kappa (美国大学优等生和毕业生的荣誉组织)等在全国拥有最高权威的优秀学会的仪式
15. inductive
adj.归纳的;诱导性的 *in(=into)
inductive method 归纳法
16. Introduction
n.介绍;引进;绪论,前言;初级读物 *intro (=within)
17. introductory
adj.介绍性的;前言的;初步的 *intro (=within)
introductory remarks 前言,序言
introductory chapter 续篇
18. oviduct
n.输卵管 *ovi(=egg)
19. product
n. 产物;产品;产量;结果 *pro(=forth)
agricultural/marine/forest products 农/海/林产品
gross national product (GNP)(国民生产总值)
20. production
n.生产;产量;作品 *pro(=forth)
mass production(大量生产)
production line(生产线)
21. productive
adj. 多产的;生产性的;肥沃的;造成某种结果的(of) *pro(=forth)
productive writer(多产作家)
productive of happiness(带来幸福的)
22. productivity
n.生产率,生产力 *pro(=forth)
productivity movement(提高生产率运动)
labor productivity(劳动生产串)
23. seduction
adj.教唆,诱惑,勾引;魅力;富有魅力的事物,诱惑韧 *se(=apart)
seductions of suburban life(郊外生活的吸引力)
24. seductive
adj. 污惑的;富有魅力的,诱人的
seductive smiles(富有魅力的徽笑)
seductive offer(谤人的提议)
25. reduction
n. 减少,削减,缩小 *r(=back)
price reduction(减价)
26. viaduct
n.高架桥;高架道路 *via(=way)
27. adduce
v.(作为证据、示例)引用,举出,引证 *ad(=to)
adduce proof /reasons/authority 举出证据/举出理由/引用权威的典籍
28. deduce
v. 演绎,推论 *de(=down)
29. deducibie
n. 演绎,推论 *de(=down)
30. Duce
n. 首领,元首(特指意大利法西斯时期对墨索里尼的称呼)
31. education
duke(公爵)dukedom(公爵领地)duchess(公舟夫人) duchy(公爵领地;公国)
32. educator
n. 教育家;有教育工作者 *e<ex(=out)
co-education 男女同学(制)
33. educational
adj.教育的;有教育意义的 *e<ex(=out)
educational film(教育电影)educational work(教育工作)
34. educe
v. 引出;使显现出(潜在的能力或性格) *e<ex(=ojut)
35. introduce
v. 提出(议案、话题等);采用;(向某人)介绍…,(特指正式地向某人)引见…*intro(=within)
introduce a bill into congress(向议会提交法案)
Potatoes were introduced into Europe from America. 马铃薯是从美洲引入欧洲的。
36. produce
n.产品;[总称]农产品;产量 *pro(=forth,forward)
film that produced a sensation 引起很大反响的电影
produce a new play 上演一部新剧
a well-produced book 一本印制得很好的书
词根:polit(polic, polis) = city, state
词根来源于希腊语的polit 意为city,state。polic,polis是其变形。同义词根有来自拉丁语的urb。
(*希腊文polis(= city,state),politēs(=citizen)——英文字根字典)
1. politic adj.明智的,精明的;策略性的;狡猾的;政治的(治理城市、国家的polit(=city))
politics n.政治(学) polity 政体;国家组织;政治组织 politician 政治家;政客
political adj.政治的;政治上的
politicize v.使政治化,使具政治性 politick 进行政治活动
It's not politic to wear loud or provocative clothing in the workplace.在工作场所穿花哨或具有挑逗性的衣服是不明智的。
2. polity n.政体;政治组织;国家组织
studentpolity (大学的)学生会
3. politburo n.(共产党的)政治局 *buro (= table)
4. cosmopolitan adj.世界性的;遍布世界各地的;世界主义的 n.四海为家的人;世界主义者 *cosm (=universe)
1).Yet it could use a more cosmopolitan mix of capital.不过,它需要一个更世界性的资本组合。
2)."Camping sites, by contrast, are highly cosmopolitan."而野营现场都是高度世界主义的。
3).Those who stayed permanently in europe were unusually cosmopolitan in their origins.那些永远在欧洲住了下来的人,他们根本就是四海为家的。
5. metropolitan adj. 大都市的;(基督教)大主教辖区的;作为宗主国的 n.大都市;(基督教)大主教 *metro (=great)
metropolitan area (大都市区) metropolitan police 大都市的警察 metropolitan newspapers 大城市的报纸 Metropolitan France 作为宗主国的法国(不包括殖民地等)
6. metropolis n.主要都市;(活动的)中心地;大都市;(殖民地的)宗主国;大主教辖区 *metro (=great)
7. acropolis n.(古希腊城市的)卫城,(the A~)雅典卫城(上筑有巴台农神庙) *acro (=high)
8. police n.(pl.)警察;(the~)警察机关;治安人员;(军营中的)内务执勤(兵) v.维护...的治安,守卫;监督,管理
police officer 警察
police sergeant/lieutenant/inspector/superintendent 警佐/警察副官/警察巡官/警司
senior superintendent(缩写:Sr.Supt,高级警司)
police chief 警察局局长
policecommissioner 警察局局长;警长
police action 警察行动(指为维护国际和平秩序所采取的地区性治安军事行动)
United Nations forces policed the Gaza strip for a long period.联合国部队在加沙地区维持治安。
9. policy n.(国家,政党等的)政策,方针;策略;保险单
South Korean foreign policy/eastern(northern) policy(韩国的外交政策/东部(北部)政策
policy non-alignment(非同盟/不结盟政策(不加入两大阵营的任何一方)
Honesty is the best policy.诚实是最明智的策略
fire-insurance policy 大灾保险单
policy holder投保人
policy loan 保险单货款
10. impolitic adj.不智的;失策的《im- =in- = not》
后缀:-an ①[形容词后缀]
amphibian 水陆两栖的
European 欧洲的,欧洲人
urban 城市的
American 美洲的,美洲人,美国人
suburban 郊区的
repubilican 共和国的
African 非洲的,非洲人
Roman 罗马的,罗马人
Chilian 智利的,智利人
词根词缀:can-, cann-
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: reed, pipe; the word for "reed" in Hebrew, Arabic, and Egyptian was kaneh; then the word element passed into Greek and Latin, and into the languages of western Europe
【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of word units that are related, directly and/or indirectly, with "tube, pipe": aulo-; duc-, -duct (to lead, leading); fistul-; siphon-; syringo-; tub-.
【同源单词】canal, cane, canister, cannon, cannonarchy, cannonate
词根词缀:german-, germano-
【来源及含义】Latin: pertaining to the Teutonic people of central Europe [possibly from a Celtic word meaning "neighbor"], similar to Old Irish gair, "neighbor"; pertaining to Germany
【同源单词】Germania, Germanism, Germanist, germanize, Germanomania, Germanophile
词根词缀:loutro-, loutr-
【来源及含义】Greek: bath, bathing
【相关描述】A discussion about the above words appeared in the April 19, 1993, issue of The Christian Science Monitor in an article, "Dictionary Service Answers Questions About Words" (page 14) that described an organization known as "OWLS" [Oxford Word and Language Service]. One writer wrote, "Please can you tell me the word for a person who drinks their [sic] own bath water, as opposed to one who drinks another's bath water?" These words do not exist in any dictionary. Part of the OWLS' reply read: "As the concept is not central to European civilization, I am not surprised that it has failed to find a place in dictionaries. If words for this are needed in the future, then autoloutrophilist and alloloutrophilist are waiting in the wings for their brief flash of celebrity."
【同源单词】autoloutrophilist, louter, loutrophoros
【来源及含义】Indo-European > Old English: male bovine
【相关词根词缀】Related "bovine; cow, ox, bull" word units: bou-; bovo-; tauro-; vaccino-.
【同源单词】Grunting Ox, Ox, ox