词根:serv = to serve(服务), to keep(保持)
来源于拉丁语 servire/servus/servare 意为 to serve,to keep 服务 / 奴隶 / 保存。serg- 为 -serv- 的变体,有异形同义词根:-mun- 服务
(*拉丁文servire(=to serve),servare(=to keep,to protect) —— 英文根字典)
1. conserve (用某物来维持 con<com(=with) + serv(=serve,keep))
vt. 保存,维护
n.(pl.) 果酱,蜜饯
conservation n.保护,保存;管理 (con<com(=with) + serv(=serve,keep)+ation表名词→n.保存,保护,保守;守恒,不灭)
conservance n.(河道;港口的)管理局;保护
conservatism n.保守主义
conservatory adj.保守性的;(n.)温室;音乐(或美术、话剧)学校 (保存地)*ory (=place表示场所的名词后缀)
conservative adj.保守的;(n.)保守主义者,保守党人
The primary goal of historical societies is to conxerve landmarks. 历史学会的首要目标是保存文化古迹。
2. subservient(在下面侍奉、有帮助的 sub(=under) + serv(=serve))
subserve v.有利于;促进,推动
subservience n.屈从;有益
Australia's subservient relationship with England gave way to an equal relationship. 澳大利亚和英国恢复了平等,取代了澳大利亚从属于英国的关系。
3. servile(侍奉的 serv (=serve))(serv服务+ile……的→为[主人]服务的)
servility n.奴性;卑屈,屈从
I think his promotion owes more to his servile manner than to talent. 我认为他之所以能够升迁,更多的是因为他善于奉迎而非有才能。
4. conservatory
n.温室;音乐学校 *con<com(=with,together),-ory(=place)
5. deserve (de加强+serv服务+e→加强服务→值得[重视])
v.应得;值得 *de(=down)
6. deserved
adj. 当然的,应得的 *de(=down)
deservedly adv.理所应当地,应得地 (de- + serv + -e + -dly→adv.应得报酬地,当然地)
deserved reward/praise/punishment 应得的/补偿/称赞/惩罚
7. deserving
deserving cause 值得赞助的事业
deserving of sympathy 应该受到同情的
deserving of praise 值得获得称赞的
8. observe
v.奉行(规则等),遵守;庆祝(节日、纪念日、生日等);察觉;观察;监视;发表意见 *ob(=to ,intensive)
observing adj.观察力敏锐的,注意观察的;从事观察的
observable adj.看得见的,可观察到的,值得注意的
observe Christmas 庆祝圣诞节
He observed that the plan would work well. 他说的那个计划会顺利进行。
9. observation
n.观察,注意,监视;观察力;(pl.)观察资料;观察数据 *ob(=to,intensive)
observation car 瞭望车
a man of little observation 观察力极差的人
10. observatory
n.瞭望台;天文台;气象台;观测所 *ob(=to,intensive) ,ory(=place where)
11. observer
12. observance (ob加强+serve=serv保持+ance表名词→一直在保持→遵守,奉行)
n.(法律、规则、习惯等的)遵守,奉行;仪式 *ob(=to,intensive)
the observance of the Sabbath 守安息日
the observance of the Queen's birthday 庆祝女王诞辰
13. observant
observant boy 观察力敏锐的孩子
observant of the rules 遵守规则的
14. preserve (pre预先+serv保留+e→预先保留→保存)
v.保护,保存;防腐,保藏;保持,维持;禁止他人捕猎 n. (pl.)果酱,蜜饯;禁猎地 *pre(=before)
preservable adj.可保存的;可保护的
preserver n.保存者,保护者;起保护作用的东西
God preserve us ! 上帝保佑我们!
15. preservation
n.保存,保藏;保护 *pre(=before)
in good preservation 保存得好的
16. preservative
adj.有保存能力的;有利于保藏的 n.防腐剂 *pre(=before)
fresh cream free from preservatives 没有添加防腐剂的新鲜奶油
v.(为未来或者某种目的而)保留,储备;(为某个特定的人)准备,预备;预约,保留(权利);预订 n.储备(物),备用(物);预备队;保留地;严肃;节制;谨慎 *re(=again)
reservist n.预备役军人
17. reserved
reservedly adv. 拘谨地;有节制地
reserved for special guests 留给贵宾的
All seats reserved. 所有席位都已经预订
reserved seat 预红席,指定席,包席
All rights reserved. 版权所有
18. reservation
n.预约,保留;专用地;(印第安人的)居留区 *re(=again)
make reservations 预约
wihtout reservation 无条件地;无保留地
19. reservoir (reserve保留,储备+oir→保留水的地方)
reservior of a fountain pen/an oil lamp 钢笔里的墨水囊/油灯里的油盒
20. serve
v. 服务;供职,任职;(商店)接待(客人);端上,提出(食物);有助于...,对...有用;使满足;对待;服役;送达(令状等);发球;(在弥散中)充当助祭 n.(网球等的)发球
servility n. 奴态,卑屈 (servile[adj.奴性的,百依百顺的]+ity表名词→n.奴态,卑屈)
Dinner is served. 晚饭都摆好了。
It serves him right. 他活该。
serve ten years of sentence 服刑十年
serve a summons/writ/warrant on somebody 向某人送达传票/令状/逮捕(或搜查)令
werve a ball 发球
first come,first served. 先到先接待。
21. servant
public servant 公务员,公仆
vivil servant 文职人员
22. server
salad-servers 色拉盘
23. serving
four servings 四人份
24. service (serv服务+ice→n.服务;公共设施;维修保养;行政部门 v.维修)
n.贡献;(为客人提供的)服务;(交通机关的)公共设施;(政府的)部门;宗教仪式,礼拜式;(商品售出后提供的)维修服务;(需要专业知识的)服务 v.(车、机器等售出后)维修,保养
serviceman n.军人;维修人员
service charge 服务费用
have the car serviced regularly 定期维修汽车
25. serviceable (service[n.服务;公共设施;维修保养;行政部门 v.维修]+able能……的→可服务的→有用的)
serviceable clothes for school children 适于学生穿的衣服
26. servitude
servitor n.侍从,仆人;(牛津大学的)工读生
27. disserve (dis不,坏+serv服务+e→坏的服务→危害)
v. 危害
28. reserve (re再+serv保留+e→再保留)
v. 保留,储备;预定
29. serf
n. 农奴,奴隶; 像农奴般遭受奴役的人 (服侍者)
30. serfdom
n. n. 农奴的身份;农奴制(=serfage;serfhood)(serf + -dom (=state))
31. sergant
后缀:-ine ①[形容词后缀]
elephantine 如象的
crystalline 结晶体的
infantine 幼儿(期)的
serpentine 蜿蜒如蛇的
adamantine 坚硬的
feminine 女性的
reverine 河流的,河边的
metalline 金属(性)的
nervine 神经的
asbestine 如石棉的
zebrine 班马的
saline 含盐的
doctrine 教义,主义
discipline 纪律
famine 饥荒
rapine 抢劫,掠夺
medicine 医学,内科学
routine 程序,常规
cholerine 轻霍乱
heroine 女英雄
landgravine 伯爵夫人
libertine 放荡的人
concubine 妾,姘妇
tetracycline 四环素
caffeine 咖啡因
iodine 碘
vaseline 凡士林
antifebrine 退烧药
chlorine 氯
【来源及含义】Latin: horse
【相关描述】From Latin caballus, "a horseman"; by extension, "a gentleman serving as a lady's escort". Also said to mean: "an inferior horse, a nag". Italian caballeria from caballo, "horse"; French cavalerie.
【相关词根词缀】 Related horse-word units: equ-, equi-; hippo-.
【同源单词】cavalcade, cavalier, cavalier, cavallard, cavalry, cavalry
词根词缀:doul-, dulo-, dul-
【来源及含义】Greek: slave, servile, slavish; servitude; serving
【相关描述】A doula supports a woman and her family in achieving the kind of birth that they desire. A doula works in homes, hospitals, and birth centers; and gives, emotional, physical, and informational support. A careprovider, be he/she a midwife, OB/gyn, or family practitioner, will take care of a woman's prenatal care and birth. A doula is supposed to ensure that someone is always available to look after the mother-to-be emotionally. These objectives are facilitated by communication between the laboring woman, her partner, and her clinical care providers.
As a supportive companion (other than a friend or loved one) a doula is professionally trained to provide birth-labor support. She performs no clinical tasks. A doula also refers to lay women who are trained or experienced in providing postpartum care—mother and newborn care, breastfeeding support and advice, cooking, child care, errands, and light cleaning—for the family. To distinguish between the two types of doulas, one may refer to "birth doulas" and "postpartum doulas".
【同源单词】doule, doulios, doulos, dulia, dulocracy, hierodule
词根词缀:maieut-, maieuto-
【来源及含义】Greek: pertaining to midwifery; obstetric; serving to elicit ideas [said of the Socratic method of teaching]
【同源单词】maieusiomania, maieutic, maieutics, maieutologist
词根词缀:tentacu-, tentac-
【来源及含义】Late Latin: feeler, to feel; a flexible appendage serving as an organ for moving around or for touching
【同源单词】bitentacle, bitentaculate, cnidarian tentacle, multitentacular, octotentacle, pinnitentacular
词根词缀:vid-, video-, vis-, -vision, -visional, -visionally, visuo-, vu-
【来源及含义】Latin: videre, "to see"; plus words with other related meanings: to notice, noticing, noticed; observe, observing, observed; look, looking, looked; perceive, perceiving, perceived, perception; see, seeing, saw, seen, sight; view, viewing, viewed; manifest, manifesting, manifested; reveal, revealing, revealed, revelelation
【相关描述】Although many of the words in this unit seem to be from other Latin origins, all of them are etymologically derived from the main Latin videre, "to see" element.
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "appear, visible, visual, manifest, show, see, reveal, look": blep-; delo-; demonstra-; opt-; -orama; pare-; phanero-; phant-; pheno-; scopo-; spec-; vela-, veal-.
【同源单词】achromatic vision, advice, advisability, advisable, advisableness, advisably