词根:-ced-, -cess-, -ceed-
【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语动词cedo, cedere, cessi, cessus (行走,退让)。
【同源单词】:accede, antecede, antecedent, concede, intercede
【同源单词】:biochemical, biochemistry, chemical, chemist, chemistry
词根:-cre-, -cret-
【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语动词creo, creare, creavi, creates(创造)和cresco, crescere, crevi, cretus(生长)。
【同源单词】:create, creation, creative, creator, creature
【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语动词credo, credere, credidi, creditus(相信)和名词creditum, crediti, n(借贷)。
【同源单词】:accredit, credentials, credibility, credible, credit
词根:ced, cess(ceed, ceas) = to go 走
词根ced,ceed,cess 是同源异形根,来源拉丁动词cedere,意为to go (走)。其中,ced是不定式词干;ceed是ced 在英语中的音变形式,它在英语中只有proceed,succeed和exceed三个原生派生词;cess是动名词词干,用来组成与某些动词相应的名词或形容词。
1. access [走近ac<ad(=to,near)+cess(=go)]
vt.[计] 存取;接近
accessibility n. 可接近
accessible adj.可接近的;易得到的
You can only access the building by one entrance on weekends. 周末只能通过一个入口进入那座建筑。
2. accede [走近ac<ad(=to,near)+ced(=go)]
vi. to + sth 同意;就任;继承;正式加入
accession n. 继承:就任;接近;加盟
The police negotiator acceded to the kidnappers' demands. 警方谈判人员同意了绑架者的要求。
3. concede [带着某物走con<com(=with)+ced(=go)]
vt. 承认;让步;给予
concession n. 让步,容忍;租地营业(权);特许
concessive adj.让步的,让与的
As much as I hate losing an argument,I have tO concede that you are correct. 我虽然很不喜欢在争论中输给别人,但我不得不承认你是对的。
4. incessant [不能走的in(=not) +cess(=go)]
adj. 无休止的,不停的
incessantly adv. 不间断地
My ex-wife was an incessant complainer; my present wife isn't. 我的前妻常无休止地抱怨,而我现在的妻子不这样。
5. precedent [向前走pre(=before) +ced(=go)]
n. 前例,先例;判例
precede v. 领先;先于…
precedence n. 领先,优先,居先
preceding adj.在前的
precedented adj.有先例的
Some say the government's decision to continue logging sets a dangerous precedent. 有人说政府决定继续伐木开了一个危脸的先例。
6. predecessor [领先往下走的人 pre(=before)+de(=down)+cess(=go)]
n. 前任;祖先;被代替的原有事物
The new Miss America was crowned by her predecessor. 前任美国小姐给新当选的美国小姐戴上了王冠。
7. recede [向后走re(=back)+ced(=go)]
recession n. 退,后退
recess n. 假期;休会;休庭;幽深处
recessive adj.后退的,逆行的
recessional adj. 后退的;(英)议会休会的;(n.)退场时唱的赞美诗
The flood waters are expected to recede within 36 hours. 预计暴涨的洪水将在36个小时内退去。
8. intercede [走向其间inter(=batween)+ced(=go)]
vi. in+sth; with+sb +for+ sb 调停;仲裁;请愿,求情
intercession n. 仲裁;调停;请求,请愿
We asked the consulate to intercede when our son was arrested in Panama. 儿子在巴拿马被捕时,我们请求领事馆予以调解。
9. successive [连在底部、尾部走的suc<sub(=under) +cess(=go)]
succession n. 连续;继承(权)
successor n. 继承人;后继人
I was late to work on three successive days. 我连续三天上班迟到。
10. abscess
n. 脓肿,脓疮 *abs<ab(=away)
abscesses on the gums 齿蠢脓肿
11. accessary
n. 帮凶,从犯 *ac<ad(=near)
accessary to a crime 某犯罪行为的从犯
12. accessory
n.附属物;服饰搭配物(如钱包、手绢、胸针等);从犯,帮凶 adj.附属的;帮凶的 *ac<ad(=near)
accessories of a bicycle 自行车的附件
accessories of a woman's dress 女装的搭配物
13. antecedent
adj.在先的,先前的眼前情;祖先;经历;先行词 *ante(=before)
antecedence n.先行
14. cede
15. cease
v. 停止,终止 *ceas<cess(=go)
ceaseless adj.不断的
ceasefire 停战
without cease 不停地
16. cession
17. decease
n./v.死广,亡故 *de(=down)
18. deceased
adj.已死的,已故的 *de(=down)
the deceased 死者
the deceased father 先父
family of the deceased 死者家属
19. epicedium
n.哀歌:挽歌 *epi(=upon)
20. exceed
v. 超越,超过,胜过 *ex(=out)
exceeding adj. 非常的,极度的
exceedingly adv. 非常地,极度地
21. excess
adj.过量的 *eX(=out)
excess of imports 入超
excess baggage,luggage 超重行李
22. excessive
adj.过度的;过多的 *ex(=out)
excossively adv. 过度地
excessive charges 过高的收费
23. cessation
cessation of hostilities 停战,停火
24. nacessarily
adv.必然地,必定地;必需地 *ne(=not)
25. necessary
adj.必要的;必然的 n.必需品
necessary evil 无法避免的坏事:不得已的事
necessary condition 必要条件
26. inaccessible
adj.难以接近的 *in(=not),ac<ad(=near)
Inaccessibility n. 不易接近,难以达到
27. necessitate
v. 使成为必要;迫使 *ne(=not)
28. necessitous
adj.穷困的;贫乏的 *ne(=not)
in necessitous circumstances 在贫困的环境里
29. necessity
n.必要,必然性;必需品 *ne(=not)
daily necessities 生活,必需品
Necessity knows no law. 情出无奈,罪可赦免,(做事不择手段的辩解语)
30. procedure
n. 程序,步骤,手续:(事态等的)进程 *pro(=forward)
legal procedure 法律程序
parliamentary procedure 议会议事程序
the code of civil/criminal procedure 民事/刑事诉讼法
31. proceed
v.继续进行;出自,源于;起诉 *pro(=forward)
diseases that proceed from dirt 因不干净而引发的疾病
32. proceeding
v.进行;(pI.)行为;诉讼(程序);会议录 *pro(=forward)
take/start legal proceedings against 对…起诉
the proceedings of the Kent Archaeological Society 肯特考古学会的会议录
33. proceeds
n.收入,收益 *pro(=forward,forth)
net proceeds 纯收入
proceeds of business 营业收入
34. pocess
v. (为保存原材料而进行)处理,加工(食品);[摄]洗(胶卷);[计]处理数据
n. 进程,过程;工序,步骤;制作方法;[印]照相制版术;[律]所讼:传票,诉讼过程中的各种命令
processed cheese/butter 加工过的奶酪/黄油
process film 冲洗胶片
new process of dyeing 新式染色法
three-color process 三色印刷法
34. procession
n.(人、车等的)行列;行进 *pro(=forward)
in procession 列队
35. processional
adj.行列的;列队时用的 *pro(=forward)
36. secede
v.(从政党、教会组织等中)退出,脱离 *se(=away,apart)
37. secession
n.退出,脱离(组织、政党等);[美史](引发南北战争的)南部十一州脱离联邦 *se(=away,apart)
secessionist n.(分离论者;脱离派者;[芙史](S~)南北战争中主张脱离联邦者
38. success
n. 成功;继承 *suc<sub(=under)
succeed to an estate 继承财产
success story 成功故事
Nothing succeeds like success. 一事成,事事成。
39. successful
successfully adv. 成功地,圆满地
successful bid 中标
successful candidate 当选者
successful business 兴隆的生意
40. unprecedented
adj.无先例的 *un(=not), pre(=before)
precedented 有先例的
词根:cre(cru), cresc, cret = to grow, to increase 生长
来源于拉丁语的creare/crescere 具有to grow,to increase 等含义,元音弱化后变成cru。此外,意为to separate,to observe 的cret/creet/cre/cern 和此词根形态相似,需要加以注意。
另一解释:①都来源于拉丁语 creare/crescere 制造 / 生长,它们属于一组同源异形根,前者是 -cret- 在添加后缀时的变形,后两者分别为 crescere 的不定式词干和动名词词干。另外,-cres- 也可以理解为:由词根 -creas- 脱落元音 a 而成,如:increase 增加、decrease 减少、increse 增加、decrescent 渐少的;②来源典故圣诞节 Christmas,是纪念救世主耶稣的日子;③词根 -cresc- 也可以理解为是根据辅音的交替规律由 -cret- 变来的,属于单 / 双辅音交替规律,如:accretion 添加物、crescent 新月;④来源基础词creature 创造物,为它的变体,含义为它的引申义,分解为:-creat- 创造 + -ure (n.) 名词后缀,表示集合,创造一切万物,即创造物 / 人 / 动物
1. accrue(更加增多 ac<ad(=to,add) + cru<cre(grow,increase))
vi. to + sb (通过自然增长、积累)产生;(利息等)自然积累而成
accretion n.增大,添加
Interest accrues,but just 4% annually. 虽然也生息,但每年只有4%。
2. decrease(对“增大、变大”的轻微否定 de(=reverse) + cre(=grow))
decreasingly adv. 逐渐减少地
The senate voted to decrease property tax rates yesterday. 参议院昨天投票决定降低财产税率。
3. increment(在里面增长in(=in,on) + cre(=grow))
The street protest grew by increments until a mob had formed. 街上抗议的队伍不断扩大,最终演变成一场暴动。
4. concrete
adj.具体的;实在的;有形的 n.混凝土 v.凝结;使凝固;用混凝土浇筑 *con<com(=together)
concretion n.凝固,凝结;凝固物
concrete proposals/evidence 具体的提案/确凿的证据
concrete jungle 水泥丛林(指竞争激烈,弱肉强食的城市)
5. crescent
n.新月 *sc<esc(=becoming)
6. decrement
7. increase
n.增加 v.增加,增大,增长 *in(=in)
increasingly adv.渐增地,愈加
8. recruit
n.征募新兵;招收,招生;补充;补充;恢复体力 *re(=again)
9. recruitment
n.征募新兵;招收,招聘;补充 *re(=again)
recruitment advertising 招聘广告
recruitment training center 新兵训练所
词根:crep = to rattle
来自拉丁语的crep 意为to rattle 。
1. decrepit(出声变小的de(=down) + crep(=rattle))
decrepitude n.衰老,衰朽
Believe it or not,the decrepit old woman across the street baked this bread!信不信由你,这个面包是街对面的那个老奶奶烤的!
2. discrepancy(分别出声 dis(=apart) + crep(=rattle))
discrepant adj.相差的,有差异的,矛盾的
There is an obvious discrepancy between his kind words and cruel deeds. 他亲切的话语和他残忍的行为显然是自相矛盾的。
3. crepitate
crepitation n.爆裂声
词根:cret, cern(creet, cre) = to observe(观察)to sift(筛选)
cret,cern为同源异形根,来自拉丁语的cernere意为to observe,to sift,to separate,cern是不定式词干,常构成动词,cert是动名词词干,多出现于名词或形容词,它们的变形为creet ,cre。此外,意为to grow ,to increase的
1. discretion (分别观察 dis(=apart) + cret (=observe,separate)
discretionary adj.任意的,自由决定的
It's important to use discretion when disciplining an underperforming employee. 在处罚工作表现不佳的职员时慎重考虑是非常重要的。
2. discern(分别切开使分开dis(=apart) + cern(=separate))
vt. 分辨,识别;察觉出
discernment n.洞察;识别
discerning adj.有辨别力的
discernible adj.可辨别的
You can barely discern the white fences in the snow banks. 在雪堆中很难看出哪里是白栅栏。
3. discreet(个别分出)*dis(=apart),creet<cret(=separate,observe)
maintain a discreet silence 谨慎地保持沉默
4. discrete
adj.分离的;不连续的 (一个二个地分开)*dis(=away)
5. decree
issue a decree 颁布一项法令
6. excrement
n.排泄物;(pl.)烘便,肥料 *ex(=out),cre<cret(=separate)
7. excreta
n.排泄物;分泌物;(特指)粪便 *ex(=out)
8. secret
n.秘密;机密(to secret(绝密,高密),secret(一级机密,机密),confidential(二级机密,秘密),restricted (三级机密,受限);秘方;秘诀;奥妙,神秘
adj.秘密的,不为人所知的;(地点)偏僻的,隐蔽的 *se(=away,apart)
secret police 秘密警察
9. secrecy
n.秘密(性);保密,守口如瓶 *se(=away,apart),cre<cret(=observe,separate)
promise secrecy 承诺保密
10. secrete
v.分泌;躲藏,隐藏,隐匿 *se(=away,apart)
secrete cell 分泌细胞
11. secretion
n.分泌(作用);分泌物(如唾液、胆汁等);藏匿,隐藏 *se(=away ,apart)
secretion of stolen goods 藏匿偷来的赃物
12. secretive
adj.隐藏的;(对自己的想法、感情、意图等)遮遮掩掩的 *se(=away,apart)
13. secretary(拆开便可知它是由se- 分离 + cert 筛选 + ary 人 -->分先的人。这是从秘书把重要物品、消息隔离,不让众人接触的含义引申而来。)
n.秘书;书记;干事;<美>部长 *se(=away,apart)
Secretary Gengeral (联合国等大型机构的)秘书长
Secretary of State <英>国务大臣;<美>国务卿
14. secretarial
adj.秘书的,书记的;秘收(或书记)工作的 *se(=away,apart)
secretarial duties/colleges 秘书的职责/文秘学校
15. secretariat
n.秘收处,书记处 *se(=away,apart)
get a position on the secretartiat of UNO in New York .在纽约联合国秘书处谋求一个位置
16. concern
v.涉及;关心;(使某人)担忧,担心 n.关系;重要的事;商行;利害关系;担心,忧虑 *con<com(=together,intensive)
so/as far as i am concerned 关于我,至于我,就我而言
To whom it may concern (用做正式信件的开头)敬启者
17. concerned
adj.担心的,忧虑的;有关的,相关的 *con<com(=together,intensive)
with a concerned look 一副担忧的表情
the authorities concerned 有关当局
the parties concerned 有关方
18. concerning
prep. 关于... *con<com(=together,intensive)
concerning the matter 关于那件事
词根:cred(creed, cre) = to believe, to trust(相信)
来自拉丁语的credere 意为to believe,to trust,它的变形为creed和cre。同义词根有来自拉丁语的fid(fi,fy,feder,feal)以及来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语的tru(tro)等。
unbelievable和incredible 都指“难以置信的”,区别是believe 来源于德语glauben (相信),源自对神的相信进入希腊语演变为gelefan,又变形为belefan,后进入西班牙语最后又演变成了believe,所以,believe是指心理上没有
1. discredit(不相信dis(=not) + cred(=believe))
vt. 使不足信;使丢脸
discreditable adj.有损信用的;丢脸的
discreditably adv. 丢脸地
Press leaks designed to discredit the senator appeared in morining newspapers. 为破坏那个参议员的声誉而由报界泄露的秘密被登在了早报上。
2. credibility(可以信赖 cred(=trust))
credible adj.可信的
credibly adv.可信地
The credibility of a witness who testifies at trial is key. 出庭作证的人可信度很得要。
3. credulous(信赖的cred(=trust))
credulity n.轻信,易受骗
My mother's so credulous that she believes the car dealer is on her side. 我妈妈是如此轻信别人,以至于相信汽车销售员是站在她这一边的。
4. accredit
v.任命,派出(使节);(政府等)认可,承认(资格等);鉴定...为合格 *ac<ad(=to)
accredited school 经鉴定合格的学校
accredited law schools 经鉴定合格的法学院
5. credence
give/attach credence to 相信(传闻或别人的话等)
a letter of credence 证明信
6. credential
His credentials were so satisfactory that he was given the post of manager. 他的文凭很令人满意,这使他获得了经理的职位。
present one's credentials (大使等)递交国书
credentials committee 资格审查委员会
7. incredible
adj.难以置信的,惊人的,不可思议的 *in(=not)
incredibly adv. 难以置信地
incredible cost 惊人的费用
8. credit
n.(赊账或交易的)信用;名誉,信誉;(银行等的)贷款(金);贷方(<-->debit 借方);(某科目的)(所修)学分;荣誉;赞扬
credit standing 债务偿付能力,信誉
credit rating 信誉评价,信用等级
letter of credit 信用证(缩写:L/C)
credit inquiry 信用调查
a man of the highest credit 名望最高的人
9. creditable
creditably adv.值得称赞地,有好名声地
creditable attempt 值得赞许的尝试
10. creditor
n.贷方,债权人(<-->debtor 借方,债务人)
run away from one's creditors 为躲避债权人而逃跑
11. credo
n.信条;(the Credo)信经
12. incredulous
adj.不相信的,怀疑的 *in (=not)
13. creed
n.宗教信条;教义 *creed<cred(=believe)
the (Apostles')Creed (使徒)信经
14. miscreant
n.恶棍,歹徙 *mis(=bad),cre<cred(=believe)
15. recreant
adj.怯懦的;不忠的,背叛的 n.懦夫;背叛者 *re(=back),cre<cred(=believe)
recreant lover 不忠的恋人
词根:ced, ceed, cess = go, 表示“行走, 前进”
cede 割让,放弃(cede走→走开→割让)
accede 答应,同意(ac+cede→和别人走在一起→答应)
antecede 先行,先于(ante前+cede→走在前面→先行)
antecedent 先行的;以前的(antede+ent)
ancestor 祖先;祖宗(an=ante+cest=cess+or→走在前面的人→祖先)
concession 让步;退位
intercede 调停;仲裁(inter在…中间+cede→在二者中间走→调解)
precede 在先,优于(pre预称+cede→预先走→优走)
precedent 先例;惯例(precede+ent→预先走的东西→先例)
procedure 程序;手续(pro在前+ced+ure→在前面走完的程序)
recede 撤回;交还(领土)(re后+cede→向后走→撤退)
secede 脱离;退出(se分开+cede→分开走→脱离)
excess 过度,过剩
excessive 过分的;过度的
proceed 继续进行,前进(pro向前+ceed→向前走→前进)
process 过程;进行
proceeds 收入;结果(pro+ceed+s表复数→向前做事得到的收入)
access 接近;入口
accessible 能接近的;可进去的
inaccessible 难以接近的
succeed 成功;继续(suc随后+ceed→随后跟上→继续→继续做→成功)
success 成功;胜利
succession 接连发生
successive 连续的
recess 休息;隐居(re回+cess→走回去→休息)
recession 撤退;交还(recess+ion→走回去→撤退)
词根:cern, cert, cret = sure, separate, 表示“搞清, 区别”
concern 关系到
discern 辨别;区分(dis分开+cern→分开搞清→区别)
discernmible 能够分辨的
discernment 辨别能力
centain 肯定的(cert+ain→搞清楚的→肯定的)
ascertain 确定,发现
certify 证明;保证
certificate 证明书;执照(certify+icate→证明的东西)
certitude 确信;确实
discrete 分立的(dis分开+creet区别→分开区别→不同的)
discretion 谨慎,小心
discreet 慎重的,谨慎的
secret 秘密的(se分开+cret区别→分开来放→秘密的)
词根:creed, cred = believe, trust, 表示“相信, 信任”
creed n. 信条;纲领(creed 相信→信条)
credo n. 信条(creed的变体)
credential n. 凭据;(pl)国书(cred+ential表形容词或名词→让人相信的东西→凭据)
credence n. 相信;信用(cred+ence→相信)
credit n. 信任;学分(cred+it表名词)
creditable a. 可以信任的(credit相信+able能…的)
credible a. 可靠的,可信的(cred 相信+ible能…的)
accredit v. 委任;信任(ac给予+credit→给予相信→委任)
discredit v. 不信任,怀疑(dis不+credit相信→不相信)
credulous a. 轻信的(cred+ulous多…的→相信太多→轻信的)
incredulous a. 不轻信的(in不+credulous 轻信的→不轻信的)
incredulity a. "不轻信(incredulous去掉ous ,加上ity)"
词根:cre, creas = grow, make, 表示“增长, 产生”
create v. 创造(cre+ate→增长→创造)
creative a. 有创造性的(create+ive )
creature n. 生物;创造物(create+ure→创造物,生物)
recreate v. 休养;再造(re再+create→再创造→休养[再创能量])
recreation n. 娱乐,消遣(recreate+ion)
decrease v. 减少(de向下+crease增长→向下增加→减少)
decrement n. 减少(decrease的名词)
increase v. 增加(in 向内+crease向内增→增加)
increment n. 增加(increase的名词)
crescent n. 新月a.新月状的(cre +escent开始…的→开始增大→新月)
decrescent a. 渐小的;(月)下弦的(de向下+crescent→向下的月亮→下弦月)
procreate v繁殖;生产(pro向前+create创造→不断创造→繁殖)
procreative a. 有生殖力的(procreate+ive)
concrete a. 具体的n.混凝土(con共同+crete[=cre制造]→共同制造→混凝土)
concretion n. 凝结;结石(concrete+ion)
cred =believe,trust 相信,信任
credible [cred相信,信任,-ible形容词后缀,可…的] 可信的,可靠的
credibility [cred相信,信任,-bility名词后缀,表示性质] 可信,可靠,信用
incredible [in-不,credible可信的] 不可信的
incredibility [见上] 不可信,难信
credulous [cred信任,ulous形容词后缀,易…的] 易信的,轻信的
incredulous [in-不,见上] 不轻信的
credit 信任,相信
creditable [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可信的,使人信任的
discredit [dis-不,credit信任] 不信任,丧失信用
accredit [ac-表示to,credit信任] 相信,信任,委任
credence [cred信任,-ence名词后缀] 信任
credential [cred信任,-ential复合后缀(ent+-ail)…的] 信任的,[转为名词] 凭证;(复数)信任状,国书
creed [creed→cred相信,信任] 信条,教义,信念
词根词缀:capit-, capt-, cap-, cep-, ceps-, chapt-, chef, cip-
【来源及含义】Latin: head; leader, chief, or first
【相关描述】It may be surprising to see that a "captain" and a "chef" both belong to the same word family; however, a captain is, of course, the "head of a company of military soldiers", and a "chef is the captain of a group of cooks".
A chef, especially to those who love good food, is not a lowly official; and when it is remembered that the old saying that "an army travels on its stomach", a chef is every bit as important as a captain.
When the French borrowed words from Latin, they frequently used soft sounds. These French words, with their softer sounds, then made their way into the English language. At the same time, English borrowed words directly from Latin. So it is that in English we often have two words which share the same root, but which have different, though related, forms and meanings.
Don't confuse the words in this capit-, capt- unit with those in the cap-, cip-, "catch, seize" unit.
【同源单词】a capite ad calcem, achieve, achievement, achiever, acid rain, alopecia capitis totalis
词根词缀:ceco-, cec-, caeco-, caec-
【来源及含义】Latin: blind, blind gut [first part of the large intestine, forming a dilated pouch into which open the ileum, the colon, and the appendix vermiformis]; any blind pouch
【同源单词】caecal, caecotomy, cecalcecitis, cecocentral, cecocolic, cecocolon
词根词缀:-cede, -ceed, -cess, -cease
【来源及含义】Latin: to be in motion; to go, to go away, to yield, to give up, to withdraw
【同源单词】abscess, accede, access, access, accessibility, accessible
词根词缀:cen-, ceno-, caen-, caeno-, cain-, caino-, kain-, kaino-
【来源及含义】Greek: new, recent, fresh
【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related to: "new, recent": ne-, neo-; nov-, novo-.
【同源单词】Caenogaea, caenogenesis, caenogenetic, caenozoic, cainophobia, cainozoic
词根词缀:ceno-, cene-, cen-, ceoen-, ceoene-, coeno-, coen-, coino-, coin-, kaino-, kain-, koino-, koin-
【来源及含义】Greek: common, shared
【同源单词】acenesthesia, cenadelphus, cenesthesia, cenesthesic, cenesthetic, cenesthopathy
词根词缀:cern-, cert-, cer-; cret-, creet-, cre-
【来源及含义】Latin: to separate, to sift, to distinguish, to understand, to decide, to determine; separated, separation, to set apart; the glandular extraction or the movement out of a natural substance
【相关描述】Used to express the ability a person has to distinguish, or to perceive, something with the eyes and the mind. Related to crit-; as in criticize, diacritical, critique, etc.
【同源单词】ascertain, ascertainable, ascertainment, certain, certainly, certainty
词根词缀:chaeto-, chaet-, chaeti-, cheto-, chet-
【来源及含义】Greek: spine, bristle; long, flowing hair]
【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: alopec-; barba-; Beards; capillaro-; cirro-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; pogo-; tricho-; villi-.
【同源单词】achaetous, chaeta, chaetic, chaetiferous, Chaetodon, chaetodont
词根词缀:chemo-, chem-, chemico-, chemi-, -chemist, -chemic, -chemical
【来源及含义】Arabic > Greek > Latin: the art of combining base metals [to make gold]; from Greek, chemia, “Egypt”, supposedly where the art of changing metals into gold existed
【同源单词】agrichemistry, agrochemical, alchemist, alchemy, allelochemics, allochemic
词根词缀:-cle, -cul
【来源及含义】Latin: result of the act of, means of
词根词缀:cleisto-, cleist-, clisto-, clist-, cli-, clei-
【来源及含义】Greek: closed, shut
【同源单词】acleistocardia, cleistocarp, cleistocarpous, cleistogamic, cleistogamous, cleistogamy
词根词缀:cler-, clero-
【来源及含义】Greek: lot, allotment, inheritance
【同源单词】cleronomy, cleruch, cleruchial, cleruchy
词根词缀:cnem-, cnemo-, cnemi-; knem-, knemo-, knemi-
【来源及含义】Greek: the part of the leg between the knee and the ankle
【同源单词】acnemia, anticnemion, brachycnemic, cnemial, cnemitis, entocnemial
词根词缀:cnesto-, cneso-, cnes-, cniso-, cnis-, -cnesmia, -cnismo
【来源及含义】Greek: scratch, tickle, itch, sting
【同源单词】cnesagenous, cnesogenous, cnesomania, cnisma, cnismosis, odontocnesis
词根词缀:coelio-, coelo-, coel-, -coele, coeli-, celeo-, cel-, cele-, celi-, celio-
【来源及含义】Greek: abdomen [hollow, cavity of the body]
【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, indirectly, or partially with: "opening, hole, cavity, tract, tube": alveolo-; antro-; anu-; celo-; concho-; fenestra-; hernio-; hiat-; meato-; ora-; parieto-; poro-; pyl-, pyle-; pylor-; sphinctero-; splanchn-; stomato-; syringo-; uretero-; urethro-; vagino-; ventricul-.
【同源单词】celiac, celialgia, celiectomy, celiocentesis, celiodynia, celioenterotomy
词根词缀:cred-, credit-, creed-
【来源及含义】Latin: believe, belief; faith; confidence; trust
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "faith, trust; faithful, trusting; believe, belief": dox-; fid-.
【同源单词】accredit, accreditation, accredited, accrediting, Carpe diem, concredit
词根词缀:cremo-, crem-, cremasto-, cremast-
【来源及含义】Greek: to hang, hang up; hung, hung up; suspend, suspended, suspender
【同源单词】cremaster, cremaster muscle, cremasteric, cremasteric artery, cremocarp
【来源及含义】Latin: notch
【同源单词】crenate, crenation, crenature, crenel, crenelate, crenellation
词根词缀:creno-, cren-, crauno-, crouno-
【来源及含义】Greek: well head, spring, fountain, mineral spring
【同源单词】craunology, craunotherapy, crenic, crenicoline, crenogenic meromixis, crenology
词根词缀:creo-, cre-, creato-, crea-, creatin-, kreo-, kreato-
【来源及含义】Gk., flesh, meat
【相关词根词缀】 Related "meat, flesh" word units: carno-; sarco-.
【同源单词】acreophagist, acreophagous, acreophagy, creatinase, creatinemia, creatinuria
词根词缀:cresc-, -cret, -crease
【来源及含义】Latin: to become greater or larger in amount or size, to grow, to multiply; to reproduce
【相关描述】The words in this cresc- unit are closely related to the creat- unit.
【同源单词】accretion, accretion disk, accretive, accrue, accrued, concrete
词根词缀:cteno- cten-
【来源及含义】Greek: comb, rake; comblike, comb-shaped
【同源单词】cryptophthalmus, ctene, ctenidia, ctenidium, cteniform, Ctenocephalus
词根词缀:cyesio-, cyes-, cyo-
【来源及含义】Greek: to be pregnant; pregnancy
【相关词根词缀】Related "pregnant, pregnancy" word units: cyo-; gravido-.
【同源单词】acyesis, cyasma, cyesalagnia, cyesedema, cyesiognosis, cyesiology