词根:aug, auct(aux) = to increase(增加), to make to grow(使产
词根来自拉丁语的aug,auct意为to increase。aux是它们的变形。
(*拉丁文augere (to increase,to make to grow),过去分词是auctus。——英文字根字典)
1. auxiliary (使增长aux<aug(=increase)
We do have a good auxiliary library in our suburb.我们市郊有一个很不错的附属图书馆。
2. augment v.(使)增加
augmentation n.增加;增加物
augment my income by writing English textbooks for college students.我通过编写大学英语教材增加收入。
3. august adj.威严的,令人敬畏的(一直增加到伟大的程度)
4. auctiion n.拍卖
public auction 公开拍卖
Dutch auction (开价甚高然后逐渐降价的)荷兰式拍卖
5. auctioneer n.拍卖商
come under the auctioneer's hammer 被拍卖
6. audacity n.大胆无畏的精神;胆识;厚颜无耻
7. author n.创始者;著作者(使事物产生的人)
8. authority n.权威;权势;当局;根据(事物产生的根源)
9. authentic adj.可信的;有根据的;真正的(作者亲笔所写的)
authenticity n.真实性;确切性
词根:aug = increase, 表示“增加”
augment v. 增大(aug+ment)
auction n. 拍卖(auct[=aug]+ion[价钱]扩大→拍卖)
august a. 威严的
august n. 八月(八月是水果长大的季节)
augury n. 预兆,征兆(augu+ry→[使事态扩大的]预兆,augur愿意是“鸟”的意思,古人根据看到什么“鸟”来做出预料)
词根词缀:angusti-, angust-
【来源及含义】Latin: narrow, tight, slender, thin
【同源单词】Ad augusta per angust, anguish, anguish, anguish, angust, angustate
词根词缀:aug-, auc-, auct-, auxano-, auxi-, aux-, auxo-
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: to increase, to grow; growth
【同源单词】auction, auctioneer, augment, augmentation, augmentative, august
【来源及含义】Latin: through, across, over; beyond, by means of
【同源单词】Ad astra per aspera, Ad augusta per angust, Ad perpetuam rei memoriam, Ad virtutem per sapientiam, ampersand, antiperspirant