词根:plant = plant(植物), to plant(种植)
来自拉丁语的planta 意为to plant。
1. supplant(代替某物种植 sup<sub(=under,in place of) + plant(=plant))
supplanter n. [见上,-er 后缀 ] 替代者;排挤者
Lasers supplanted the use of scalpels for eye surgery decades ago.激光替代了数十年前在眼科手术中使用的解剖刀。
2. implant [im-=in 里面 + plant 种植 → 种植到里面→注入 ]
deeply implanted hatred 深深扎根于内心的憎恨
implant sound principles in the minds of children 向孩子们灌输正确的原则
3. transplant [trans (=change) 转移 + plant 植物 ]
transplantation n. [见上,-ation 名词后缀 ] 移植
transplantable adj. [见上,-able 形容词后缀 ] 可移植的
transplant young cabbage plants 移植卷心菜秧苗
kidney transplant 肾脏移植
4. plant
plantation n. [plant 种植 + -ation 名词后缀 ]种植地;造林地;移民;殖民(地)
planter n. [plant 种植 + -er 后缀 ]种植者;耕作者;农场主人;播种机
plantlet n. [plant 植物 + -et 后缀表示 小 → ]小植物;树苗
词根:serv = to serve(服务), to keep(保持)
来源于拉丁语 servire/servus/servare 意为 to serve,to keep 服务 / 奴隶 / 保存。serg- 为 -serv- 的变体,有异形同义词根:-mun- 服务
(*拉丁文servire(=to serve),servare(=to keep,to protect) —— 英文根字典)
1. conserve (用某物来维持 con<com(=with) + serv(=serve,keep))
vt. 保存,维护
n.(pl.) 果酱,蜜饯
conservation n.保护,保存;管理 (con<com(=with) + serv(=serve,keep)+ation表名词→n.保存,保护,保守;守恒,不灭)
conservance n.(河道;港口的)管理局;保护
conservatism n.保守主义
conservatory adj.保守性的;(n.)温室;音乐(或美术、话剧)学校 (保存地)*ory (=place表示场所的名词后缀)
conservative adj.保守的;(n.)保守主义者,保守党人
The primary goal of historical societies is to conxerve landmarks. 历史学会的首要目标是保存文化古迹。
2. subservient(在下面侍奉、有帮助的 sub(=under) + serv(=serve))
subserve v.有利于;促进,推动
subservience n.屈从;有益
Australia's subservient relationship with England gave way to an equal relationship. 澳大利亚和英国恢复了平等,取代了澳大利亚从属于英国的关系。
3. servile(侍奉的 serv (=serve))(serv服务+ile……的→为[主人]服务的)
servility n.奴性;卑屈,屈从
I think his promotion owes more to his servile manner than to talent. 我认为他之所以能够升迁,更多的是因为他善于奉迎而非有才能。
4. conservatory
n.温室;音乐学校 *con<com(=with,together),-ory(=place)
5. deserve (de加强+serv服务+e→加强服务→值得[重视])
v.应得;值得 *de(=down)
6. deserved
adj. 当然的,应得的 *de(=down)
deservedly adv.理所应当地,应得地 (de- + serv + -e + -dly→adv.应得报酬地,当然地)
deserved reward/praise/punishment 应得的/补偿/称赞/惩罚
7. deserving
deserving cause 值得赞助的事业
deserving of sympathy 应该受到同情的
deserving of praise 值得获得称赞的
8. observe
v.奉行(规则等),遵守;庆祝(节日、纪念日、生日等);察觉;观察;监视;发表意见 *ob(=to ,intensive)
observing adj.观察力敏锐的,注意观察的;从事观察的
observable adj.看得见的,可观察到的,值得注意的
observe Christmas 庆祝圣诞节
He observed that the plan would work well. 他说的那个计划会顺利进行。
9. observation
n.观察,注意,监视;观察力;(pl.)观察资料;观察数据 *ob(=to,intensive)
observation car 瞭望车
a man of little observation 观察力极差的人
10. observatory
n.瞭望台;天文台;气象台;观测所 *ob(=to,intensive) ,ory(=place where)
11. observer
12. observance (ob加强+serve=serv保持+ance表名词→一直在保持→遵守,奉行)
n.(法律、规则、习惯等的)遵守,奉行;仪式 *ob(=to,intensive)
the observance of the Sabbath 守安息日
the observance of the Queen's birthday 庆祝女王诞辰
13. observant
observant boy 观察力敏锐的孩子
observant of the rules 遵守规则的
14. preserve (pre预先+serv保留+e→预先保留→保存)
v.保护,保存;防腐,保藏;保持,维持;禁止他人捕猎 n. (pl.)果酱,蜜饯;禁猎地 *pre(=before)
preservable adj.可保存的;可保护的
preserver n.保存者,保护者;起保护作用的东西
God preserve us ! 上帝保佑我们!
15. preservation
n.保存,保藏;保护 *pre(=before)
in good preservation 保存得好的
16. preservative
adj.有保存能力的;有利于保藏的 n.防腐剂 *pre(=before)
fresh cream free from preservatives 没有添加防腐剂的新鲜奶油
v.(为未来或者某种目的而)保留,储备;(为某个特定的人)准备,预备;预约,保留(权利);预订 n.储备(物),备用(物);预备队;保留地;严肃;节制;谨慎 *re(=again)
reservist n.预备役军人
17. reserved
reservedly adv. 拘谨地;有节制地
reserved for special guests 留给贵宾的
All seats reserved. 所有席位都已经预订
reserved seat 预红席,指定席,包席
All rights reserved. 版权所有
18. reservation
n.预约,保留;专用地;(印第安人的)居留区 *re(=again)
make reservations 预约
wihtout reservation 无条件地;无保留地
19. reservoir (reserve保留,储备+oir→保留水的地方)
reservior of a fountain pen/an oil lamp 钢笔里的墨水囊/油灯里的油盒
20. serve
v. 服务;供职,任职;(商店)接待(客人);端上,提出(食物);有助于...,对...有用;使满足;对待;服役;送达(令状等);发球;(在弥散中)充当助祭 n.(网球等的)发球
servility n. 奴态,卑屈 (servile[adj.奴性的,百依百顺的]+ity表名词→n.奴态,卑屈)
Dinner is served. 晚饭都摆好了。
It serves him right. 他活该。
serve ten years of sentence 服刑十年
serve a summons/writ/warrant on somebody 向某人送达传票/令状/逮捕(或搜查)令
werve a ball 发球
first come,first served. 先到先接待。
21. servant
public servant 公务员,公仆
vivil servant 文职人员
22. server
salad-servers 色拉盘
23. serving
four servings 四人份
24. service (serv服务+ice→n.服务;公共设施;维修保养;行政部门 v.维修)
n.贡献;(为客人提供的)服务;(交通机关的)公共设施;(政府的)部门;宗教仪式,礼拜式;(商品售出后提供的)维修服务;(需要专业知识的)服务 v.(车、机器等售出后)维修,保养
serviceman n.军人;维修人员
service charge 服务费用
have the car serviced regularly 定期维修汽车
25. serviceable (service[n.服务;公共设施;维修保养;行政部门 v.维修]+able能……的→可服务的→有用的)
serviceable clothes for school children 适于学生穿的衣服
26. servitude
servitor n.侍从,仆人;(牛津大学的)工读生
27. disserve (dis不,坏+serv服务+e→坏的服务→危害)
v. 危害
28. reserve (re再+serv保留+e→再保留)
v. 保留,储备;预定
29. serf
n. 农奴,奴隶; 像农奴般遭受奴役的人 (服侍者)
30. serfdom
n. n. 农奴的身份;农奴制(=serfage;serfhood)(serf + -dom (=state))
31. sergant
词根:cap, capit = 头
词根 cap 来源于拉丁语caput,“head”。大写字母,在一词之“头”,因此叫capital。一个国家首都,可以说是一个国家的“头脑所在”,也是capital。capital 作“资本”讲,同样源于“头”与cattle(家畜、牛群)同出一源。在最初的时候,人们的财富资本,是以他家里牛的头数来计算的,即有多少“头”。
词根cap 的同形异源异意词根有来源于拉丁语 capere的cap,意思是“拿,抓”。
1. capital [capit 头→首要的,-al 形容词兼名词后缀]
adj./n. 首位的,重要的;[“首要之物”→]资本;[“首要之城”→]首都,首府;[“首要字母”→]大写字母
2. capitalism [见上,-ism 主义]
n. 资本主义
3. capitalist [见上,-ist 表示人]
4. capitalize [见上,-ize 动词后缀]
5. capitate [capit 头,-ate 形容词后缀,...的]
adj. 头状的
6. capitation [capit 头,-ation 是后缀-ion 的扩展后缀]
7. decapitate [de- 去掉,除去,capit 头,-ate 动词后缀]
8. decapitator [见上,-ator 表示人或物]
9. captain [capt = capit 头,-ain 表示人,“领头的人”]
10. captaincy [见上,-cy 名词后缀]
11. chapter [chapt = capit 头;书的中篇文章段落的“头”]
12. recapitulate [re再次+capit头+ul+ate表动词→重新把头理出来→概括要点]
13. cabbage [cab =cap ,字母b/p相通;如:purse 钱包=burse 钱包]
词根词缀:-cola, -colas; -cole; -colent; -colid; -coline; -colous
【来源及含义】Latin: to inhabit; to live in, to live on, to live among; to dwell; living among, dwelling in; occurring on, occurring in
【相关描述】Suffixes that refer to the location or an area of growth. Used primarily in botanical and biological terminology to indicate a plant or an organism that is characterized by a habitat or place of existence as indicated by the combining root.
The suffix -cole is derived from Latin colere, "to inhabit, to dwell, to live".
Don't confuse this -cole, -cola , "inhabit, live in, dwelling in" unit with the following cole-, coleo- (sheath, scabbard, vagina); coll-, col- (neck); collo-, coll- (glue); colo-, col- (colon, large intestine); and colon-, coln- (farm, settlement) units.
【相关词根词缀】 Related life, live-word units: anima-; bio-; vita-; viva-.
【同源单词】acarocola, acarocole, acarocoline, acarocolous, acrodendrocola, acrodendrocole
词根词缀:cole-, coleo-
【来源及含义】Greek: sheath, scabbard; in medicine, a combining form that means "sheath" or "vagina"
【相关描述】Don't confuse this cole-, "sheath, vagina" unit with the following -cole, -cola, -coles (living among, dwelling in); coll-, col- (neck); collo-, coll- (glue); colo-, col- (colon, large intestine); and colon-, coln- (farm, settlement) units.
【同源单词】coleitis, coleocele, coleocystitis, Coleoptera, coleopterophilous, coleoptosis
词根词缀:coll-, col-
【来源及含义】Latin: neck
【相关描述】Don't confuse this coll-,col-, "neck" unit with the following -cole, -cola, -coles (living among, dwelling in); cole-, coleo- (sheath, scabbard, vagina); collo-, coll- (glue); colo-, col- (colon, large intestine); and colon-, coln- (farm, settlement) units.
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references related to "neck, throat" word families: cervic-; esophag-; guttur-; laryng-; nuch-; trachel-.
【同源单词】accolade, collar, collar, collarbone, collar-crown, decollate
词根词缀:collo-, coll-, colla-
【来源及含义】Greek: glue
【相关描述】Don't confuse this collo, coll-, "glue" unit with the following -cole, -cola, -coles (living among, dwelling in); cole-, coleo- (sheath, scabbard, vagina); coll-, col- (neck); colo-, col- (colon, large intestine); and colon-, coln- (farm, settlement) units.
【同源单词】collagen, collagenase, collaplankton, collenchyma, colloblast, collodion
词根词缀:colo-, col-
【来源及含义】Greek: kolo- > Latin: colo-, colon or large intestine [that part which extends from the cecum to the rectum]
【相关描述】Don't confuse this colo-, col-, "colon, large intestine" unit with the following -cole, -cola, -coles (living among, dwelling in); cole-, coleo- (sheath, scabbard, vagina); coll-, col- (neck); collo-, coll- (glue); and colon-, coln- (farm, settlement) units.
【同源单词】colocecostomy, colocentesis, colocutaneous, colodyspepsia, coloenteritis, colometrometer
词根词缀:colon-, -coln
【来源及含义】Latin: estate, farm, settlement
【相关描述】Don't confuse this colon-, -coln, "estate, farm" unit with the following -cole, -cola, -coles (living among, dwelling in); cole-, coleo- (sheath, scabbard, vagina); coll-, col- (neck); collo-, coll- (glue); and colo-, col- (colon, large intestine) units.
【同源单词】colonial, colonist, colonists, colonization, colonize, colony
词根词缀:sanct-, sancti-
【来源及含义】Latin: sacred, holy; religious
【相关词根词缀】 Related "holy, sacred" word families: hagio-; hiero-; icono-; sacro-.
【同源单词】acta sanctorum, Memento ut diem sabbati sanctifices, sacrosanct, sacrosanctity, sancta simplicitas, sanctanimity