- 1. I hate unnecessary waste.
- 我憎恨不必要的浪费。
- 2. The slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.
- 对鲸的屠宰是不必要且不人道的。
- 3. That last comment was a little unnecessary, wasn't it?
- 那最后一点评论有点多余,不是吗?
- 4. There could be a serious loss of efficiency through unnecessary duplication of resources.
- 不必要的资源重复会导致严重的效率损耗。
- 5. The press, making a mountain out of a molehill, precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis.
- 新闻界小题大做,促成了一场不必要的经济危机。
- 6. He found it unnecessary for us to stay behind.
- 他感到我们不必要留下来。
- 7. He tries to draw unnecessary attention to himself.
- 他试图引起他人不必要的关注。
- 8. This will prevent unnecessary accidents and loss of life.
- 这将防止不必要的事故和生命的损失。
- 9. We should trim off the unnecessary parts of our spending.
- 我们应该削减不必要的开销。
- 10. The accountant checked this unnecessary spending in good time.
- 会计及时卡住了这笔不必要的开支。
- 11. Teenage boys at this stage often begin to take unnecessary risks.
- 十几岁的男孩在这个阶段往往开始冒不必要的风险。
- 12. All fast food chains should reduce unnecessary packaging, he added.
- 他补充说,所有快餐连锁店都应该减少不必要的包装。
- 13. You might want to find and prune an application's unnecessary files.
- 您可能希望找到并删除一个应用程序中不必要的文件。
- 14. This can create unnecessary delays as you hold meetings trying to achieve consensus.
- 当你召开会议试图达成一致意见,会造成不必要的延误。
- 15. The cooling wind swept through out bedroom windows, making air conditioning unnecessary.
- 清爽的风通过窗户吹进了卧室,没必要开空调了。
- 16. Many school have strict restrictions on students' clothes, which I think is unnecessary.
- 许多学校对于学生的穿着有着非常严格的限制,我认为这是没有必要的。
- 17. It accused her of not respecting the past and it had some personal stuff that seemed unnecessary.
- 它指责她不尊重过去,还包含了一些似乎不必要的私人内容。
- 18. How can employers use social media information to their advantage while avoiding unnecessary risks?
- 雇主如何利用社交媒体信息,同时避免不必要的风险?
- 19. It prompted employees to overcharge for work and to complete unnecessary repairs on a companywide basis.
- 它促使员工多收工作费,并在全公司范围内完成不必要的维修工作。
- 20. One of the biggest myths in the last year is that social media experts make PR obsolete and unnecessary.
- 在过去一年中,最大的神话之一是社交媒体专家使公共关系过时和不必要。
- 21. The rule is intended to save the company the money it might otherwise spend on medically unnecessary procedures.
- 该规定旨在为公司节省不必要的医疗费用。
- 22. I'm expected to attend too many meetings and I seem to be spending a lot of my time doing unnecessary paperwork.
- 我要参加的会议太多了,而且我似乎把很多时间都花在了不必要的文书工作上。
- 23. I'm expected to attend too many meetings and I seem to be spending a lot of my time doing unnecessary paper work.
- 我要参加的会议太多了,而且我似乎把很多时间都花在了不必要的文书工作上。
- 24. In a market where there appears to be a surplus, the common mistake is to tack on too many unnecessary requirements.
- 在一个似乎存在过剩的市场,附加太多不必要的要求是常见的错误。
- 25. We suspect that spending would come down through elimination of a lot of unnecessary or even dangerous tests and treatments.
- 我们怀疑消除许多不必要甚至危险的检测和治疗,会让支出下降。
- 26. For pants without that crease (and many with it), pleats are unnecessary; for pants that need the pleat, they only need one.
- 对于没有折痕的裤子(以及许多有折痕的裤子),褶皱是不必要的;需要打褶的裤子只需要一条。
- 27. If you factor in the projected rates of technological change, either your skills will become unnecessary, or your industry outdated.
- 如果你考虑到技术变化的预期速度,那么你的技能将变得很多余,或者你的行业会成为过去式。
- 28. Lozanov experimented with teaching by direct suggestion during sleep, hypnosis and trance states, but found such procedures unnecessary.
- 洛扎诺夫在睡眠、催眠和恍惚状态下尝试了直接暗示的教学方法,但他发现这些过程是没必要的。
- 29. The TSA cannot continue diverting resources into underused PreCheck lanes while most of the traveling public suffers in unnecessary lines.
- 运输安全管理局不能继续将资源分散到未被充分利用的预检通道,而同时,大多数旅客却要排着不必要的队。
- 30. All this fuss is totally unnecessary.
- 这场纷扰是完全可以避免的。