1. Toad began to sit up in his chair again, and to smirk a little. 托德又在椅子上坐起身来,傻笑了一下。 youdao
2. Please, young women, smile or simper or smirk or grin, glower or glare, or just mope about if you like, but for the love of God, please put away the duck face. 年轻女性们,求你们了,微笑、傻笑、假笑或露齿而笑,怒视或瞪视,或者如果你愿意,漫无目的地闲逛都行,看在上帝的份上,别摆那张鸭子脸了。 youdao
3. It was hard not to smirk . 让人忍俊不禁。 《牛津词典》
4. He had a self-satisfied smirk on his face. 他脸上挂着得意扬扬的笑容。 《牛津词典》
5. She had a self-satisfied smirk on her face. 她满脸扬扬得意的样子。 《牛津词典》
6. Don't smirk at me like that. 不要那样对着我假笑。 youdao
7. Look at that condescending smirk . 看那装腔作势的假笑。 youdao
8. Telegraphed her derision with a smirk . 她的微笑里带有一丝揶揄。 youdao
9. He made no attempt to conceal his smirk . 他毫不掩饰自鸣得意的笑容。 youdao
10. Look at his smile, really more of a smirk . 看着他的笑容,那根本就是在奸笑。 youdao
11. Tell me, "he said, a sarcastic smirk on his face." “告诉我,”他说,脸上浮现出不屑一顾的笑容。 youdao
12. He is so embarrassed and try to cover it with smirk . 他很尴尬,试图用微笑来掩盖。 youdao
13. I don't want to see that smile or smirk ever again. OK? 我不想再看到那个微笑或假笑好吧? youdao
14. Care to know the nuance between a smirk and a slight smile? 你是否关心假笑和微笑之间的区别? ? youdao
15. Is their face blank and matter-of-fact, or does it have a smirk ? 他们的脸上是空白和一本正经的样子,还是有一种狞笑? youdao
16. "It's not a game, it's a battle," he said with a smirk on his face. “那不是体育比赛,是战斗,”他面露得意之色。 youdao
17. It's an easy question, "she prompted as she looked up with a smirk ." “这是一个很容易的问题,”她提示,她抬起头来的傻笑。 youdao
18. No one expected there would be something else hidden under the smirk . 没有人会预料到,在着一抹笑容的下面还藏着别的东西。 youdao
19. Tommy swung around with a mean smirk , and I could guess what was next. 汤米向他转过身,脸上带着一丝坏笑,我都能猜得出接下来会是什么样。 youdao
20. "Maybe they all went home early for the holiday," he said with a smirk . 也许他们都早早回家过年去了。“他苦笑着说。” youdao
21. "It was like unicorns and rainbows, flower-filled meadows, " he says with a smirk . 他傻笑了一下,说:“感觉就像天真烂漫,美梦成真的‘独角兽与彩虹,还有花海遍野的草原’。” youdao
22. The face, with hooked nose and an evil smirk , is hard to see from the ground. 站在下面人们很难发现这张长着鹰钩鼻子的阴惨惨的笑脸。 youdao
23. His eyes flickered up at me from under his lashes, the hint of a smirk on his face. 他的眼睛从睫毛下飞快地看了我一眼,脸上露出一丝坏笑。 youdao
24. We can thus watch the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton with a bit of a smirk . 那么我们可以带着一些傻笑看着威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿的婚礼。 youdao
25. Ah, but would a little more money make us a little happier? Many of us smirk and nod. 但是不是钱多一点我们就会更开心一点呢?对此,大多数人一定微笑赞同。 youdao
26. Ah, but would a little more money make us a little happier? Many of us smirk and nod. 但是不是钱多一点我们就会更开心一点呢?对此,大多数人一定微笑赞同。 youdao