- 1. They use oxen to pull their carts.
- 他们用牛拉车。
- 2. You push and I'll pull.
- 你推,我拉。
- 3. Pull the door shut.
- 把门拉上。
- 4. In this area oxen are used to pull carts.
- 这个地区用牛拉车。
- 5. I gave the door a sharp pull and it opened.
- 我猛地一拉,门开了。
- 6. Don't pull so hard or the handle will come off.
- 别太使劲拉,不然把手会脱落。
- 7. I like the pop you get when you pull out a cork.
- 我喜欢你拔出瓶塞时弄出的那“砰”的一声。
- 8. She's hoping to pull tonight.
- 她希望今晚丰采迷人。
- 9. He can still pull the girls.
- 他仍然能让姑娘们着迷。
- 10. I never thought you'd pull it off.
- 我真没想到你把这事办成了。
- 11. It's a long pull up to the summit.
- 登上山顶要攀爬很久。
- 12. He managed to pull himself upright.
- 他设法直起了身子。
- 13. I helped pull him out of the water.
- 我帮着把他从水里拉了出来。
- 14. Pull the curtains—it's dark outside.
- 外边天黑了,把窗帘拉上。
- 15. France was going to pull out of NATO.
- 法国准备退出北大西洋公约组织。
- 16. She took a long pull on her cigarette.
- 她深深地吸了口烟。
- 17. Who wants to pull this cracker with me?
- 谁跟我拉响这个彩炮?
- 18. The doctors think she will pull through.
- 医生相信她将康复。
- 19. She can still pull in adoring audiences.
- 她依然能够吸引崇拜她的观众。
- 20. She finally managed to pull herself free.
- 她终于设法挣脱了。
- 21. I get some grey hairs but I pull them out.
- 我长了几根白头发,但我把它们拔掉了。
- 22. The police car signalled to us to pull in.
- 警车发出信号,要我们驶向路边停靠。
- 23. You're going to have to pull your socks up.
- 你可得加把劲儿了。
- 24. I relied on my instincts to pull me through.
- 我全靠本能闯了过来。
- 25. Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again!
- 你再别这样逞能了!
- 26. Her articles certainly don't pull any punches.
- 她的文章确实一针见血。
- 27. The World Bank should pull out of the project.
- 世界银行应该退出这个项目。
- 28. The magnetic pull of the city was hard to resist.
- 都市的强大魅力难以抗拒。
- 29. Tony is sure he can pull a few strings and get you in.
- 托尼确信他能动用一些关系把你弄进来。
- 30. I managed to pull myself up onto a wet, sloping ledge.
- 我设法爬上了一个潮湿的倾斜岩脊。