- 1. The driver was probably taking a pee.
- 司机可能在小便。
- 2. It was probably infested with cooties.
- 它可能是染上虱子了。
- 3. You're probably right.
- 你很可能是对的。
- 4. Tavare was probably ruing his decision.
- 塔瓦雷可能正对为他的决定感到后悔。
- 5. It'll probably be OK.
- 这大概没有问题。
- 6. We shall most probably never meet again.
- 我们极有可能再也见不到面了。
- 7. I can probably make the time to see them.
- 我大概能腾出时间去看望他们。
- 8. The two cases are most probably connected.
- 这两桩案件极有可能互相关联。
- 9. Bergit was probably more daring than I was.
- 伯杰特可能比我胆子还大。
- 10. He was compact, probably no taller than me.
- 他矮小结实,大概没我高。
- 11. They'll probably be here Monday and Tuesday.
- 他们星期一和星期二可能会在这里。
- 12. I probably won't be performing in public much.
- 我很可能不会再经常当众演出。
- 13. My kids will probably go to parochial schools.
- 我的孩子们将来可能会上教区学校。
- 14. This is probably a bad idea, but what the hey!
- 这大概是个馊主意,但管它呢!
- 15. They probably wanted to get out of the country.
- 他们很可能想离开这个国家。
- 16. Extra blank paper will probably come in useful.
- 额外的空白纸可能用得着。
- 17. It would probably pay you to hire an accountant.
- 聘一名会计师或许对你有好处。
- 18. You were probably brought up to think like that.
- 你可能从小就被教成那样来考虑问题的。
- 19. The driver had probably blacked out at the wheel.
- 司机很可能在开车时昏厥了。
- 20. It'll probably take ages to find a parking space.
- 大概得老半天才能找到停车位。
- 21. Our fingerprints are probably all over the place.
- 我们的指纹很可能到处都有。
- 22. Their plan will probably meet with little success.
- 他们的计划大概难有所成。
- 23. I think more customers probably prefer a soft sell.
- 我想更多的顾客大概更喜欢软推销。
- 24. How she met her death will probably never be known.
- 她的死因也许将永远无人知晓。
- 25. The original castle was probably built about AD 860.
- 原先的城堡可能是在公元860年前后修建的。
- 26. The Democrats will probably lose control of Congress.
- 民主党很可能失去对国会的控制。
- 27. The three statues above are probably Roman divinities.
- 上面这三个雕塑可能是古罗马神像。
- 28. As you probably know, I'm going to be changing jobs soon.
- 你或许知道,我不久就要换工作了。
- 29. He is probably the most reviled man in contemporary theatre.
- 他可能是当代戏剧界遭受谩骂最多的人。
- 30. I'm probably the most low-maintenance, easygoing person ever.
- 我可能是史上要求最低、最好相处的人了。