- 1. No, the other one... that's it.
- 不,另一个…就是它。
- 2. He yelled at the other driver.
- 他冲着另一位司机大叫。
- 3. Are there any other questions?
- 还有其他问题没有?
- 4. My other sister is a doctor.
- 我的另一个妹妹是医生。
- 5. Does life exist on other planets?
- 其他行星上有生命吗?
- 6. Other problems may follow.
- 其它问题也许会随之而来。
- 7. Other youngsters are not so lucky.
- 其他的年轻人没有这么幸运。
- 8. Two other bombs failed to detonate.
- 另外两枚炸弹未引爆。
- 9. She openly criticized other athletes.
- 她公开批评过其他运动员。
- 10. He easily outpaced the other runners.
- 他轻而易举地超过了其他赛跑选手。
- 11. No other soldiers were garrisoned there.
- 那里没有其他的士兵驻守。
- 12. Other companies could buy into the firm.
- 其他公司可以买进这家企业的一部分。
- 13. Other services vary dramatically in quality.
- 其它服务在质量上差异很大。
- 14. You deliberately went in the other direction.
- 你故意朝另一个方向走了。
- 15. The other women all seemed overwhelmingly confident.
- 其他的女士们似乎都令人难以应对地自信。
- 16. Partition would give licence to other aggressors in other conflicts.
- 分裂组织给其他侵略者提供其他冲突的借口。
- 17. They stood facing each other.
- 他们面对面站着。
- 18. We're crazy about each other.
- 我们为彼此疯狂。
- 19. The two boys hated each other.
- 那两个男孩相互仇视。
- 20. They visit us every other week.
- 他们隔周来看我们一次。
- 21. I went home every other week.
- 我每隔一周回一次家。
- 22. The two men loathe each other.
- 这两个男人相互厌恶。
- 23. We eyed each other thoughtfully.
- 我们若有所思地看了看彼此。
- 24. Like poles repel each other.
- 同极相斥。
- 25. They cordially detest each other.
- 他们对对方都深恶痛绝。
- 26. The lovers held each other close.
- 这对恋人紧紧相拥。
- 27. We hardly know each other.
- 我们彼此还不大认识呢。
- 28. They absolutely detest each other.
- 他们完全是相互憎恨。
- 29. They detested each other on sight.
- 他们互相看着就不顺眼。
- 30. We sat next to each other.
- 我们紧挨着坐在一起。