- 1. I literally jumped out of my skin.
- 我简直给吓了一大跳。
- 2. When I told you to 'get lost' I didn't expect to be taken literally.
- 我叫你“滚开”,并没让你按字面意思来理解呀。
- 3. It literally is like something in a dream.
- 这简直就像在梦里一样。
- 4. Literally, it doesn't seem to see what it does.
- 从字面上来看,好像看不出来它是干嘛的。
- 5. It is figuratively and literally otherworldly in its aims.
- 它的目的无论是从比喻还是从字面上理解,都是超凡脱俗的。
- 6. Your job is "literally killing you," as The Washington Post put it.
- 正如《华盛顿邮报》所言,你的工作“简直要了你的命”。
- 7. So when this was first found, people literally would not believe it.
- 所以当这被第一次发现时,人们简直不敢相信。
- 8. Which of the following words in the first paragraph is used literally?
- 第一段中下列哪个词是按字面意思使用的?
- 9. Sometimes you can't take some Chinese idioms literally because they have deeper meanings.
- 有时你不能从字面上理解一些汉语成语,因为它们有更深的含义。
- 10. In other cases, the virus propagates in such high numbers that release is literally an explosion of the cell.
- 在其他情况下,病毒以如此高的数量繁殖,以至于释放出的病毒简直就是细胞的爆炸。
- 11. Most adverts are just too meagre in informative content and too rich in emotional suggestive detail to be read literally.
- 大多数广告只是在信息内容上太贫乏,而在情感暗示细节上太丰富,无法逐字阅读。
- 12. Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry.
- 蚜虫的确能把一株植物吸干。
- 13. There are literally hundreds of prizes to win.
- 真的有好几百份奖品可以领呀。
- 14. Until next payday, I was literally without any money.
- 到下一个发薪日之前,我是名符其实身无分文了。
- 15. We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet's atmosphere.
- 我们实际上改变了地球大气层的化学成分。
- 16. To see my body literally wither away before my eyes was exasperating.
- 看着我的身体在自己的眼前日渐虚弱真是让人恼火。
- 17. I saw that she was, both literally and figuratively, up against a wall.
- 我都看到她,既是事实上也是比喻地,面临一道墙。
- 18. We've got to get the economy under control or it will literally eat us up.
- 我们必须控制住经济,否则它真地就会把我们困住。
- 19. Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people.
- 上演一台话剧是一项巨大的事业,它确实要几百个人参与。
- 20. I literally cried when we reached it and it was his!
- 当我们走近它时,我真的哭了,那就是他的东西!
- 21. Gas cars literally have hundreds of parts, often requiring frequent maintenance (保养).
- 天然气汽车部件十分繁杂,需要经常保养。
- 22. The doors literally slam shut at night.
- 门晚上会砰的一声关上。
- 23. As a boy I had read literally hundreds of books.
- 当我还是个孩子的时候,我真真切切地读过几百本书。
- 24. In other words, tulips were literally worth their weight in gold.
- 换句话说,郁金香的价值相当于黄金的重量。
- 25. These days lots of young Japanese do omiai, literally, "meet and look".
- 现在很多日本年轻人都在做"omiai",也就是相亲。
- 26. Literally, the testers and the developers sat on opposite sides on the table.
- 准确来讲是,测试人员和开发人员完全对立来坐。
- 27. That playing literally stimulates growth, creates connections within the brain?
- 玩耍行为真的能刺激生长发育、建立脑内连接吗?
- 28. That playing literally stimulates growth, creates connections within the brain?
- 玩耍行为真的能刺激生长发育、建立脑内连接吗?