- 1. The kick-off is at 3.
- 足球比赛3点开球。
- 2. Hakan Sukur netted the goal just 10.8 seconds after the kick-off.
- 开球后仅10.8秒,哈坎·苏克就踢球入网。
- 3. Gunn fumbled away the opening kick-off for the second straight week.
- 甘恩接连两周在中线开球时失球。
- 4. Half an hour before kick-off, a list of the Brazilian team was given out to journalists.
- 开球前半小时,一份巴西队名单被分发给了记者。
- 5. Memorial Day weekend marks the kick-off of the summer holiday season.
- 周末的阵亡将士纪念日标志着暑假的开始。
- 6. IT IS kick-off time for European soccer.
- 欧洲足球又到了开赛时分。
- 7. Kick-off: Wed Apr 29, 7.45pm, Old Trafford, Manchester.
- 开球时间:4月29日星期三19:45,曼彻斯特老特拉福德球场。
- 8. Guess what: We're just a measly month away from holiday kick-off time.
- 猜猜怎么着?我们离假期的开始还有不长的一个月。
- 9. Before we kick-off a run, we have to specify the load and the duration of the run.
- 在首次运行之前,必须指定运行的负载和时间。
- 10. At their "Integration Kick-Off" meeting, both enterprises present their "strategic SOA policies".
- 在首次“集成碰头会”上,架构师们将分别阐述各自的“战略SOA策略”。
- 11. The shows kick off on October 24th.
- 展览从10月24日开始。
- 12. What time shall we kick off?
- 我们什么时候开始?
- 13. Tom will kick off with a few comments.
- 汤姆讲话时要先发表几点意见。
- 14. The event will kick off with a potluck.
- 该活动将以吃一顿百家饭启动。
- 15. You can use the BPC explorer to kick off any business processes in those applications.
- 您可以使用BPC 浏览器启动那些应用程序中的任何业务流程。
- 16. Back at the camp you can kick off your boots and enjoy excellent food and wine.
- 回到营地,你可以脱下靴子,享受美味的食物和葡萄酒。
- 17. The referee tossed a coin to decide which team should kick off.
- 裁判掷硬币以决定哪个队开球。
- 18. Kick off your shoes and find a game on TV.
- 脱下鞋子打开电视找场比赛看吧。
- 19. It's getting late, I must kick off now.
- 天很晚了,我现在必须走了。
- 20. When you kick off a new search, Step One is defining your ideal candidate.
- 当你开始一次新搜索时,第一步是定义你的理想候选人。
- 21. In short, you must kick off your own job and synchronize with it to get any type of synchronous behavior.
- 简单地说,您必须开始自己的作业并与之同步,以获得任何类型的同步行为。
- 22. The waiting is over. The World Cup is about to kick off.
- 漫长的等待终于结束了,南非世界杯即将鸣锣开战。
- 23. This will kick off the wizard we all know and love, to create a new volume.
- 这将开始我们都知道且喜爱的向导来创建一个新的卷。
- 24. The concert was to kick off a nationwide voter registration drive.
- 这场音乐会旨在开始全国性的选民登记运动。
- 25. They hope to kick off clinical trials in about five years.
- 研究者们计划用五年左右的时间完成临床试验。
- 26. But it is Venezuela that will kick off the big commemorations.
- 然而,委内瑞拉将首先举办大型纪念活动。
- 27. You may even want to hold an entire round of pilot study circles before you officially kick off the community-wide phase.
- 你甚至可能要举行一轮完整的初步研究,然后再正式开始覆盖全社区的阶段。
- 28. The celebrations kick off on Friday evening at Belmore Park in the heart of Sydney's Asian community.
- 庆祝活动上周五晚间在悉尼亚洲社区的中心贝尔摩公园拉开帷幕。
- 29. The rather alarming increase has forced us to kick off a high-level prevention plan.
- 这种惊人的增加速度迫使我们着手一项高级的预防措施。
- 30. The rather alarming increase has forced us to kick off a high-level prevention plan.
- 这种惊人的增加速度迫使我们着手一项高级的预防措施。