- 1. She narrowly escaped injury.
- 她险些儿受伤了。
- 2. He is recovering from a knee injury.
- 他的膝伤正在痊愈。
- 3. The team has been weakened by injury.
- 这个队因伤实力减弱。
- 4. Injury forced Hicks to concede defeat.
- 由于伤病,希克斯被迫认输。
- 5. Shrugging off her injury, she played on.
- 她受了伤,却继续进行比赛。
- 6. The team was beset by injury all season.
- 这个队整个赛季都因队员受伤而受困扰。
- 7. She's still battling with a knee injury.
- 她还在同膝部的伤痛作斗争。
- 8. Injury problems could shorten his career.
- 受伤的问题有可能缩短他的职业生涯。
- 9. An operation finally cured his shin injury.
- 手术最终治愈了他的胫骨损伤。
- 10. He would have played but for a knee injury.
- 他要不是膝部有伤的话,就上场了。
- 11. A serious injury nearly wrecked his career.
- 一次重伤差点儿葬送了他的前程。
- 12. Damages may be awarded for emotional injury.
- 可能会判处精神伤害赔偿。
- 13. His head injury causes dizziness and nausea.
- 他头部受伤引起眩晕和呕吐。
- 14. He's been off all season with a groin injury.
- 他因腹股沟伤痛休息了整个赛季。
- 15. The player has been sidelined by a knee injury.
- 这名队员因膝部受伤而下场。
- 16. The team has been plagued by injury this season.
- 本赛季这支队一直为队员受伤所困扰。
- 17. He made a remarkable recovery from a shin injury.
- 他胫骨伤恢复得相当好。
- 18. She was awarded $3,500 for injury to her feelings.
- 她获得了3500美元的精神损伤费。
- 19. Two players are out of the team because of injury.
- 两名队员因伤退出了比赛。
- 20. A thigh injury increasingly hindered her mobility.
- 大腿上的伤愈发束缚了她的活动自由。
- 21. She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal.
- 她战胜了伤痛,赢得了奥运会金牌。
- 22. An injury was hindering him from playing his best.
- 受伤后他无法发挥出最高水平。
- 23. She's been dropped from the team because of injury.
- 她因受伤而未被列入队员名单。
- 24. He had to spend two years bedridden with an injury.
- 因受伤他不得不两年卧床不起。
- 25. A back injury forced her to withdraw from Wimbledon.
- 一处背伤迫使她退出了温布尔登网球赛。
- 26. It's Houston's injury that is now the most worrying.
- 休斯顿的伤现在是最令人担心的。
- 27. He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury.
- 他需要动手术来医治烦人的背部伤痛。
- 28. The pilot ejected from the plane and escaped injury.
- 飞行员从飞机里弹出,没有受伤。
- 29. He was discharged from the army following his injury.
- 他受伤后就退伍了。
- 30. After the injury, he never played professionally again.
- 受伤以后,他再也没有参加职业比赛。