- 1. Reports from the area indicate that it was a bloodless coup.
- 发自该地区的各种报道表明这是一场不流血的政变。
- 2. The extent of the rise might indicate that it had been overdone.
- 上涨的程度可能显示事情做得过头了。
- 3. Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power.
- 早期的结果预示这个政府将重新执政。
- 4. Surveys indicate that supporters of the treaty are still in the majority.
- 调查显示该条约的支持者仍占多数。
- 5. Statistics indicate that depressed patients are more likely to become ill than are normal people.
- 统计表明抑郁的患者比正常人更可能得病。
- 6. Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with subsequent suppression of the immune system.
- 眼睛问题表明一种不健康的生活方式以及随后免疫系统所受的抑制。
- 7. Seligian death certificates indicate only the deceased's last occupation.
- 塞利吉安的死亡证明只显示死者最后的职业。
- 8. At Penn, students are not asked to indicate race when applying for housing.
- 在宾夕法尼亚大学,学生在申请住房时不需要表明他们的种族。
- 9. In the drawing the artists would also indicate the location of the lead strips.
- 所以在画中,艺术家也会显示出铅条的位置。
- 10. Alfred Marshall is quoted to indicate the conditions for generating quick profits.
- 援引阿尔弗雷德·马歇尔的话是为了说明快速产生利润的条件。
- 11. The many gears not only moved in a way that could indicate the phases of the Moon.
- 这些齿轮的转动并不仅仅能显示出月相。
- 12. A prevalence of left-handed amino acids would indicate they were biological in origin.
- 如果左旋氨基酸占大多数的话,就说明这些氨基酸从根源上来说是具有生物性的。
- 13. Figures indicate that the reduced effort results in a reduced commitment to the course.
- 数据表明,努力程度的降低导致对课程的投入的减少。
- 14. Space-probe photographs indicate the existence of giant volcanoes on the Martian surface.
- 太空探测照片显示火星表面存在巨大的火山。
- 15. But figures indicate that the reduced effort results in a reduced commitment to the course.
- 但数据表明,努力程度的降低导致对课程的投入的减少。
- 16. The example seems to indicate that some regions can prosper without the Bank's aid as well.
- 这个例子似乎表明,一些地区在没有这个银行援助的情况下也能实现繁荣。
- 17. When the rats detect the smell, they stop and rub their legs to indicate a sample is infected.
- 老鼠嗅到这种气味时会停下来,摩擦双腿,表明样本已被感染。
- 18. This can indicate a number of things and can also be used to consciously send messages about intent.
- 这可以表明很多事情,也可以用来有意识地传递关于意图的信息。
- 19. The bumblebee, unlike its more sophisticated honeybee relatives, did not indicate the food's location.
- 大黄蜂不像它的近亲蜜蜂那样复杂,它不会指出食物的位置。
- 20. Statistics indicate that brick and mortar sales still made up the lion's share of the retail business.
- 统计数据表明,实体店的销售仍占零售业务的最大份额。
- 21. In the case of Lymnaea peregra, studies indicate that a dextral gene is expressed during egg formation.
- 在锥实螺的例子中,研究表明右旋基因是在卵的形成期表达的。
- 22. Observations indicate that gas clouds in galaxy M87 are whirling unusually fast about the galaxy's center.
- 观测表明M87星系的气体云围绕星系中心旋转的速度异常快。
- 23. Those strange events indicate that something secret and horrible has happened in this house in days gone by.
- 这些奇怪的事情表明,在过去的日子里,这所房子里发生了一些秘密而可怕的事情。
- 24. These errors nearly always indicate sloppy programming. So if it's your code, you should clean them up anyway.
- 这些错误几乎总是表明编程草率。所以如果是您的代码,无论如何都应该清除这些错误。
- 25. Road markings indicate where you can stop.
- 道路标志告诉你哪里可以停车。
- 26. Dreams can help indicate your true feelings.
- 梦能代表你的真实情感。
- 27. Please indicate clearly which colour you require.
- 请标明您要求的颜色。
- 28. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false.
- 标出下列说法是对还是错。
- 29. Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy.
- 零售市场上有史以来的最高利润显示出经济的突飞猛进。
- 30. Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy.
- 零售市场上有史以来的最高利润显示出经济的突飞猛进。