- 1. It would be a mistake to ignore his opinion.
- 忽略他的意见是不对的。
- 2. How can you ignore the sheer weight of medical opinion?
- 你怎么能忽视医生意见的绝对重要性呢?
- 3. Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lay.
- 此类争论忽视了最终责任何在的问题。
- 4. Tired drivers were found to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs.
- 据调查,疲劳驾车时特别容易忽视警示标志。
- 5. If they reject or ignore the initiative, the public will vote on it in November.
- 如果他们拒绝或无视公民立法提案程序,公众将于11月对它进行投票表决。
- 6. I can no longer ignore that risk.
- 我不能再忽视这种风险了。
- 7. You may not like her, but you cannot ignore her.
- 你可能不喜欢她,但是你不能忽视她。
- 8. Don't try to ignore your afternoon snack craving.
- 不要忽视你对午后点心的渴望。
- 9. It's hard to ignore social media as a screening tool.
- 我们很难忽视社交媒体作为一种审查工具的作用。
- 10. I get so upset when you just try to ignore the problem.
- 当你试图忽视这个问题时,我很生气。
- 11. Of course, hungry predators sometimes ignore the warning.
- 当然,饥饿的捕食者有时会忽视这种警告。
- 12. We shouldn't ignore the warning signs of mental illnesses.
- 我们不应该忽视心理疾病的警示症状。
- 13. We can not ignore its enormous vitality for its simplicity.
- 我们不能因为它的简单性而忽略了它巨大的生命力。
- 14. They completely ignore these facts as if they never existed.
- 他们完全忽略了这些事实, 就仿佛它们从来不存在似的。
- 15. Even though bait meant trouble, you could not ignore it forever.
- 即使诱饵意味着麻烦,你也不能永远忽视它。
- 16. I know they're smaller than us, but we can't afford to ignore them.
- 虽然我知道他们规模比我们小,但是我们也不能忽视他们。
- 17. I know they are smaller than us, but we can't afford to ignore them.
- 我知道它们的规模比我们小,但我们不能忽视它们。
- 18. Mediators have no teeth, and a child could simply ignore their pleas.
- 调解人没有威慑力,孩子们完全可以无视他们的请求。
- 19. Most people place too much value on money and ignore other aspects of life.
- 大多数人太看重金钱,却忽视了生活中的其他方面。
- 20. On no consideration can we ignore the urgency of protecting the environment.
- 我们绝对不能忽视保护环境的紧迫性。
- 21. Humble people do not ignore, avoid, or try to deny their limits or deficiencies.
- 谦逊的人不会忽视、回避或试图否认自己的局限或不足。
- 22. In college I had been taught that a successful educator should ignore bad behavior.
- 在大学里,我学习到一个成功的教育者应该忽视(学生的)不良行为。
- 23. That today's students of American culture tend to ignore classical music is understandable.
- 今天学习美国文化的学生往往忽视古典音乐,这是可以理解的。
- 24. We cannot afford to ignore this warning.
- 我们对这个警告绝不能等闲视之。
- 25. We cannot afford to ignore their advice.
- 我们不能不考虑他们的劝告。
- 26. Ignore what he said—it doesn't mean a thing.
- 别理睬他说的话,他那都是瞎说。
- 27. He continued to ignore everything I was saying.
- 他仍对我所说的一切置若罔闻。
- 28. I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it.
- 我提了个建议,但他们不予理会。
- 29. It would be irresponsible to ignore the situation.
- 对这一状况不闻不问,那就是不负责任。
- 30. It would be irresponsible to ignore the situation.
- 对这一状况不闻不问,那就是不负责任。