- 1. The magic cure for inflation does not exist.
- 解决通货膨胀的神奇方法并不存在。
- 2. He thought that if he couldn't see something, it didn't exist.
- 他认为如果他看不见某种东西,它就不存在。
- 3. No one could deny that problems of crime in the inner city exist.
- 没人能够否认市中心区存在犯罪问题。
- 4. The town of Rudbar had ceased to exist, with only skeletons of buildings remaining.
- 鲁德巴尔城已不存在,只剩一些建筑骨架。
- 5. What else could it exist for?
- 不然它还能为什么存在?
- 6. Does life exist on Mars?
- 有生命存在火星上吗?
- 7. To live, you have to exist at first.
- 要生活,你首先必须存在。
- 8. Numbers do not exist in all cultures.
- 数字并非在所有文化中都存在。
- 9. Back then, however, the AU did not exist.
- 然而,在那时候,非盟还不存在。
- 10. Very few subscription libraries exist today.
- 目前存在的订阅库非常少。
- 11. We cannot exist without air, food, and water.
- 我们没有空气、食物和水就不能生存。
- 12. We do not exist in the world. The world exists in us.
- 不是我们存在于世界。而是世界存在于我们之中。
- 13. "People with poor motives will always exist," he says.
- 他说:“动机不良的人将永远存在。”
- 14. Nature can only let us exist, while arts create mankind.
- 自然只能让我们存在,而艺术创造人类。
- 15. Agricultural societies cannot exist without staple crops.
- 农业社会的存在离不开主粮作物。
- 16. Though one should have dreams, it's not realistic to exist on dreams.
- 尽管人应该有梦想,但是依靠梦想生活也不现实。
- 17. I'm not talking about quality here, but simply the fact that they exist.
- 我这里讨论的不是质量,只是他们存在的这一事实。
- 18. It would have been warm enough on these planets for liquid water to exist.
- 这些行星上的温度足够高,足以让液态水存在。
- 19. Natural resources are things that exist in nature and can be used by people.
- 自然资源是自然界中存在的、可以为人类所利用的资源。
- 20. More and more women professors thought that sexual discrimination did exist in the university.
- 越来越多女教授认为,大学里确实存在性别歧视。
- 21. First aid requires rapid assessment of victims to decide whether life-threatening conditions exist.
- 急救时需要对罹难者病情进行快速评估,以确定是否存在危及生命的情况。
- 22. That leads us to find patterns and connections both where they really exist and where they exist only in our minds.
- 这就促使我们去寻找种种模式和关联,包括那些在事实中存在的和仅仅只存在于我们想象中的。
- 23. Does life exist on other planets?
- 其他行星上有生命吗?
- 24. Many possible orderings may exist.
- 组合方式可能有许多种。
- 25. Machines now exist to pack olives in jars.
- 现在有可以把橄榄装进罐里的机器。
- 26. They can't exist on the money he's earning.
- 他们靠他挣的那点钱无法维持生活。
- 27. Few of these monkeys still exist in the wild.
- 这些猴子野生的已为数不多了。
- 28. Good and evil may co-exist within one family.
- 善与恶可能共存于同一个家庭。
- 29. On his retirement the post will cease to exist.
- 他退休后这个职位就会撤掉。
- 30. Research opportunities exist in a wide range of areas.
- 研究机会存在于广泛的领域中。