- 1. Progress has been particularly disappointing.
- 进展一直格外令人失望。
- 2. The conclusion of the book was disappointing.
- 这部书的结尾令人失望。
- 3. In summary , this was a disappointing performance.
- 总的来说,这场演出令人失望。
- 4. Midfielder Elliott has shown disappointing form recently.
- 中场队员埃利奥特近来表现令人失望。
- 5. Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless.
- 我们的失败是意料中的事,尽管如此,还是令人失望。
- 6. As a photographer, he'd found both locations just a trifle disappointing.
- 作为一名摄影师,他发现这两个地方都有点儿令人失望。
- 7. I am a disappointing, though generally dutiful, student. That is, I do as I'm told.
- 我是个令人失望的学生,尽管一般来说我很听话,也就是说,我按别人说的做。
- 8. The wine was excellent, but the meat was overdone and the vegetables disappointing.
- 酒好极了,但是肉老了,蔬菜也令人失望。
- 9. I found it rather disappointing.
- 我觉得它相当令人失望。
- 10. However, the result was disappointing.
- 然而,结果令人失望。
- 11. I heard the recent sculpture exhibit was kind of disappointing.
- 我听说最近的雕塑展有点令人失望。
- 12. Why do you waste time looking for the bad, disappointing things?
- 为什么你要浪费时间去寻找那些糟糕的、令人失望的事情呢?
- 13. Jack seems to think this year's basketball season will be disappointing.
- 杰克似乎认为今年的篮球赛季会令人失望。
- 14. What would you do if you bought something disappointing from the Internet?
- 如果你从网上买到令人失望的东西,你会怎么做?
- 15. This may lead to the child avoiding taking risks due to fear of disappointing their parents.
- 这可能会导致孩子因为害怕让父母失望而避免冒险。
- 16. The results of the experiments where scholastic performance was rewarded were uniformly disappointing.
- 那些因为学业表现而给予奖励的实验结果无一例外是令人失望的。
- 17. He hated disappointing people, and he was fond of the Mole, and would do almost anything to oblige him.
- 他讨厌让别人失望,他很喜欢鼹鼠莫尔,几乎愿意做任何事来满足他。
- 18. Although this can be frustrating and disappointing, it turns out that this can actually be good for you.
- 尽管这会令人沮丧和失望,但事实证明,这也会对你有益。
- 19. I'm experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a disappointing morning weigh-in.
- 我对锻炼的热情越来越高,因为我不再背负早晨称重这一令人失望的负担。
- 20. The debate was a pretty disappointing affair.
- 那次辩论使人颇感失望。
- 21. The outcome of the court case was disappointing for the family involved.
- 诉讼案的结果使得涉及本案的这家人非常失望。
- 22. The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing.
- 那部戏被捧为杰作,可我却大失所望。
- 23. What actually happened was disappointing.
- 实际发生的事情令人失望。
- 24. However, the results were disappointing.
- 然而,结果令人失望。
- 25. She added, the results were "a little disappointing".
- 她补充说,结果“有点令人失望”。
- 26. His disappointing expression quickly changed into a smile.
- 他失望的表情很快变成了微笑。
- 27. This loss was a terrible and disappointing failure for Piao.
- 对朴来说,这次失利是一次可怕而令人失望的失败。
- 28. Of course it's disappointing to lose, especially if you are close to winning.
- 失败,尤其是快胜利的时候,当然令人失望。
- 29. There were some rather disappointing missed opportunities.
- 令人非常失望的是,还有一些电影错失了机会。
- 30. The Toad retraced his weary way on foot, and related his disappointing experiences to the Water Rat once more.
- 托德拖着疲惫的步伐返回,又向水鼠兰特讲述了他那些令人糟心的经历。