1. As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms.
2. He's usually very adept at keeping his private life out of the media.
3. She is an adept rock-climber and a past master of the obstacle course.
4. You'll see as the semester progresses and you start learning more about musical forms, you'll become a more adept listener.
5. Most research has foucus on simian animals and found them to be highly adept in social learning, tool use, and other essentials of human-like culture.
6. Children have strong imaginations and the use of fantasy brings their ideas to life, but children may not be adept enough to realize that what they are viewing is unreal.
7. The Native American people were all adept at running very fast over the snow in these birch branch snowshoes, which if you ever tried walking in snowshoes you know it wasn't easy.
8. Some cultures are too adept at lining up: a citizen of the former Soviet Union would join a queue just so he could get to the head of that queue and see what everyone was queuing for.