Equipments and materials cannot be put in storage until they are verified and the form Acceptance Sheet for Incoming Products has been filled.
2. 签收单、验收单或完工证明,足以证明完成第一款之契约行为者。
A delivery receipt acceptance certificate or completion certificate that is sufficient to prove the completion of the contracted activity under the preceding item.
3. 供应商办理验收手续后,收货员工应对其验收货品打印酒店验收单。
After supplier deals with receive and check procedure, receiver needs to print hotel receive and check report accordingly.
4. 供应商务必在家乐福收货区,向收货组员工交接货物,并在现场取得验收单。
Supplier must deliver goods in receiving year to receiving team, and get receiving report on site.
5. 对外购材料、外协配套件不合格品挂牌放在不合格区域,并在验收单上注明。
For the nonconforming products above, plates shall be suspended on nonconforming areas. They should also noted on the acceptance sheets.
6. 供应商在收货区办公室领取验收单。现场检查验收单上内容是否与货物一致。发现差异请在现场解决。
Supplier get receiving report at receiving team office and check it, make sure match your delivery, solve difference on site.