With the increase of nitrogen supply, the content of carbohydrate decreased.
2. 在油菜根中,过氧化物酶(pod)活性随供铁浓度的提高而降低。
In the rape root, the activity of peroxidase (POD) decreased with the rising of iron concentration.
3. 实验结果表明,被测机组的供冷量随供水温度升高而迅速下降,随送风量减少而下降。
The results show that cooling capacity of the unit drops dramatically as the supply water temperature rises, and also drops as the supply air rate decreases.
4. 随函附上一份列有cif旧金山价的最新价目单以及一份有插图的产品目录,供你们参考。
For your reference, we are enclosing a copy of our latest price list giving CIF San Francisco prices together with an illustrated catalogue.
5. 随信奉上该清单,供贵公司今后订货之用。
We have devised the enclosed checklist to be used for your future orders.
6. 随信奉上该清单,供贵公司今后订货之用。
We have devised the enclosed checklist to use for each of your future order.
7. 我们确认向贵方购买……,随函附上订单确认书供参照。
We confirm having purchased from you... a confirmation order is enclosed for.
8. 荣幸地向贵方推荐…,随函附上第…号报价单,供贵方考虑。
We have pleasure in recommending to you... and enclose Quotation No.... for your reference.
The authinfo file is used by other programs, and the format is variable depending on what those programs need; ifrom parses it looking for the machine, login, password, and port keywords.
10. 我希望能和您就广告的职位进一步谈谈。我随函附上了一份简历供您审阅。
I look forward to talking further with you about the advertised position, and am enclosing a resume for your information.
11. 我们确认向贵方购买……,随函附上订单确认书供参照。
We confirm having purchased from you... a confirmation order is enclosed for your reference.
12. 我们确认向贵方采办……,随函附上订单确认书供参照。
We confirm having purchased from you... a confirmation order is enclosed for your reference.
13. 随函附上我方…第…号报价单,供你方考虑,希望近期能收到贵方试订单。
We are enclosing our Quotation No.... on... for your consideration, and hope to receive your trial order in the near future.
14. 随函附上公司概况,业务范围和其他方面的小册子一本,供参考。
Enclosed is a booklet including a general introduction, the scope of business and other aspects for your reference.
15. 随函附上订单确认书供参考。
A confirmation order is enclosed for your reference.
16. 随函附寄经本公司精选,贵方会感兴趣的几种产品资料,供您参考。
For your reference we have enclosed some product information on selected goods which will be of interest to you.
17. 随著火供日子的临近,我遵从林博士的建议反复地持念绿度母咒。
As the date of the Puja approached, I repeated the mantra of Green Tara as advised by Dr. Lin.
18. 为了支持你们推销,我们特地准备了一些印花布样品连同价格单随函附上,供你方考虑。
With a view to supporting your sales, we have specially prepared some samples of our cotton print together with a price list, which are enclosed for your consideration.
19. 随函附上我方号合同一式两份,请会签后尽快寄回一份供我方备案。
Enclosed please find our Sales Contract No. in duplicate for your counter-signature. Please sign and return one copy to us for our records as soon as possible.
20. 在本实验条件下,这两种供试植物的光合补偿点和光合饱和点随氮浓度的变化没有表现出规律性。
Under this experiment condition, the light compensation point and light saturation point of the two species didn't show regularity with the change in nitrogen concentration in water.
21. 冒昧随信寄去最新的样品及新修改的目录和价目表,供贵方参考。过去的价格表取消,以此表为准。
We take the liberty to enclose herewith for your reference the newest samples and our revised catalogue and price list , This cancels the previous lists.
22. 随信附上我的一份成绩单供你们急需参考。如能迅速办理此事,我将不胜感激。
A copy of my score is enclosed for your quick reference. Your prompt attention to this matter will BE greatly appreciated.
23. 随函附寄我方7011号销售合同一式两份,请会签并寄回一份供我方存档。
We are enclosing our Sales Contract No. 7011 in duplicate, please countersign and return one copy for our file soon.
24. 其中孤岛渣油反应体系中的供氢反应速率常数较辽河渣油中的大,并且其间的差别随温度升高而增大。
The kinetic rate constant of Gudao residue was greater than that of Liaohe residue, and the difference between them increased with temperature rise.
25. 随信附上我所收到的成绩副本供你们即时查证。
A copy of my score is enclosed for your quick reference.
26. 寄主幼虫供寄生后,其寄生率随寄主幼虫供寄生时的龄期增大而下降。
The host mortality after exposure were decreased with increase of the host age at exposure to the parasitoid.
27. 寄主幼虫供寄生后,其寄生率随寄主幼虫供寄生时的龄期增大而下降。
The host mortality after exposure were decreased with increase of the host age at exposure to the parasitoid.