1. 因此对于涡流损耗的分析研究至关重要。
Therefore, it is critical to analyze eddy current loss.


2. 文中给出涡流损耗的分布及其随时间变化情况。
The distribution and time evolution of the eddy current losses are also discussed in this paper.


3. 这些Q值受到导体电阻和硅衬底的涡流损耗的限制。
These Q values are limited by the conductor resistance and eddy current loss in the silicon substrate.


4. 磁力泵磁性联轴器的转矩和涡流损耗对磁力泵性能有重要影响。
The torque and eddy current loss of the magnetic coupling has important influence on the performance of magnetic driving pump.


5. 涡流损耗的增加不会改变衰减峰值的频率,但是会增大衰减强度。
Increasing the eddy-current losses will not change the frequency of attenuation peak, but will increase the intensity of attenuation.


6. 得出三维涡流场的场分布图和涡流损耗随导线偏移量的变化曲线。
Finally distribution of 3-d eddy-current field and variation curve of eddy current loss to the variation of wire position can be get.


7. 无槽电机绕组的有效部分直接切割气隙磁场,在其中引起涡流损耗
Active parts of slotless motor winding directly cut off air - gap field, it could produced eddy-current loss.


8. 首先用场路紧密耦合方法分析电机的分布热源,包括涡流损耗、铁损和铜损。
The distributed heat source is first calculated by a tight coupled field-circuit method, including eddy current loss, iron loss and copper loss.


9. 考虑到边缘效应和涡流损耗,总结了基于矢量控制的直线感应电机建模方法。
Considering the end effect and the eddy loss, it summarizes the linear induction motor modeling method based on vector control.


10. 计算结果表明涡流损耗不仅沿线圈周长分布不均匀而且在线圈的断面上也不均匀。
The results show that the distributions of the eddy current losses are nonuniform not only along the coil perimeter but also on the cross section of the coil.


11. 在此基础上采用解析法计算了密封电机的磁场分布,并由此求出了密封套的涡流损耗
On this basis and the magnetic field distribution is solved by means of analytical method and the eddy current loss of sealing cover is calculated.


12. 本文提出了一种改进的解析法,用来计算变压器油箱等结构件中由漏磁场引起的涡流损耗
An improved analytical method which is able to calculate eddy losses of transformer tanks as well as structured objects is proposed.


13. 结果表明,非线性主要来源于热起伏磁后效和为了降低微涡流损耗而引起的磁畴数随频率的变化。
The results show that the non-linearity is mainly attributed to a thermal fluctuation magnetic after effect and a numerical variation of the magnetic domain with frequency.


14. 结果表明,非线性主要来源于热起伏磁后效和为了降低微涡流损耗而引起的磁畴数随频率的变化。
The results show that the non-linearity is mainly attributed to a thermal fluctuation magnetic after effect and a numerical variation of the magnetic …


15. 文章分析了由等离子体电流和真空室感应电流在HT-7U装置环向场超导磁体中产生的涡流损耗
The eddy current losses in the toroidal field superconducting magnet of the HT-7U tokamak, produced by plasma current and the eddy currents on the vacuum vessel, are analyzed.


16. 磁粉芯经脱脂、热处理后纳米晶粉颗粒的间隙减小,使得磁粉芯涡流损耗上升和磁粉芯中心频率下移。
Degreasing and heat treatment can reduce the gap among nano-crystalline core particles, increase the vortex flowing loss and move down the frequency of core's center.


17. 产品发热较小一一一在高频运转条件下,因涡流损耗低工作效能较高,能耗小,发热状况得到明显改善;
Low heating:As for the low eddy current losses and high efficiency make the low energy consumption, so heating is improved while motors run in high frequency.


18. 通过改变薄膜尺寸可以改变薄膜的亚铁磁共振频率和涡流损耗,从而对特定频率的噪声衰减达到最佳效果。
By changing the film size can change the ferromagnetic resonance frequency and eddy current loss, and achieve the maximal attenuation to the noise with specific frequency.


19. 本发明特点在于结构简单,气密性好,真空度高,无涡流损耗,制作成本低廉,而且不需对其进行专门维护。
It has simple structure, good airtight performance with high vacuum degree, no vortex loss, low cost on production, and no need maintenance.


20. 通过本文的研究表明,传输线上信号的衰减频率和强度主要依赖于磁性薄膜材料的亚铁磁共振频率和涡流损耗
According to this paper, the frequency and intensity of the signal attenuation on transmission line are mainly depended on the ferromagnetic resonance frequency and eddy current loss.


21. 第五章针对直线电机特有的边缘效应,分析了动态纵向边缘效应的影响,它产生端部涡流损耗,减小气隙磁场。
In chapter 5, the dynamic vertical end effect of linear motor is analyzed, which causes eddy current loss and air gap flux decrease.


22. 随着频率的升高,即使在磁感应强度较低时,涡流损耗和剩余损耗的影响不容忽视,且两者都随温度的升高而升高。
With an increase of the frequency and temperature, the eddy current loss and residual loss contributed to the total loss at the low induction.


23. 在电机轴中心钻有一个通风孔,利用电机风扇的风通过通风孔形成一气流回路带走磁线圈和转子涡流损耗产生的热量。
An airway in the center bit of the electric engine axis is used for taking away the heat which the magnetic coil and rolling eddy current loss produce.


24. 等效时间常数可以从感应电流自然衰减特性得到,电阻和电感则通过计算被动反馈线圈中涡流损耗和磁场能量中求得。
The equivalent time constants are derived from the decay characteristics of the induced current. The resistance and inductance can be given by calculating the eddy current loss an…


25. 对该模型低磁钢板及线圈的磁通密度和涡流损耗进行了试验与计算分析,得到了一些有价值的试验和分析结果,为磁场计算和三维涡流损耗分析方法提供了验证手段。
Calculations and experiments are carried out on both magnetic flux density and eddy current loss of the non-magnetic steel plate and of the coil in this model.


26. 对该模型低磁钢板及线圈的磁通密度和涡流损耗进行了试验与计算分析,得到了一些有价值的试验和分析结果,为磁场计算和三维涡流损耗分析方法提供了验证手段。
Calculations and experiments are carried out on both magnetic flux density and eddy current loss of the non-magnetic steel plate and of the coil in this model.
