- 1. 如果不加遏制,杂草就会疯长。
- If left unchecked, weeds will flourish.
- 2. 向上帝忏悔,上帝就会宽恕你。
- Confess your sins to God and he will forgive you.
- 3. 如果成本增加,价格就会相应上涨。
- If costs go up, there will be a pro rata increase in prices.
- 4. 磁盘如果过载,数据就会出错。
- The disk will corrupt if it is overloaded.
- 5. 关系一改善他们就会获准离开。
- As soon as relations improve they will be allowed to go.
- 6. 流言飞语很快就会烟消云散的。
- The scandal will soon blow over.
- 7. 他退休后这个职位就会撤掉。
- On his retirement the post will cease to exist.
- 8. 德国的利率不久就会降下来。
- German interest rates will come down before long.
- 9. 他知道稍有差池就会送命。
- He knew one false move would end in death.
- 10. 吃糖太多,就会出现蛀牙。
- Too much sugar will rot your teeth.
- 11. 我想几天内麻烦就会消除。
- I think the trouble will clear up in a couple of days.
- 12. 一开这道门,警铃就会响。
- Opening this door will set off the alarm.
- 13. 这些种子几天后就会发芽。
- The seeds will sprout in a few days.
- 14. 标签浸到水中就会脱落。
- The label will peel off if you soak it in water.
- 15. 涂料太稠就会破坏效果。
- The effect will be ruined if the paint is too thick.
- 16. 他即刻就会把它缝补好。
- He will sew it up in a trice.
- 17. 如果国家分裂,内战就会来临。
- Civil war could come if the country breaks up.
- 18. 如果让土壤干硬,树就会死掉。
- If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die.
- 19. 木头不能受潮,否则很快就会烂掉。
- The wood must not get damp as rot can quickly result.
- 20. 照此情形,我们很快就会破产。
- At this rate, we'll soon be bankrupt.
- 21. 事情出了错,我当然就会很烦。
- Naturally, I get upset when things go wrong.
- 22. 不用多久你就会习惯船上生活。
- It won't take you long to find your sea legs.
- 23. 大家都知道,我看到血就会昏倒。
- I have been known to faint at the sight of blood.
- 24. 他要是发觉了就会大发雷霆!
- There'll be fireworks when he finds out!
- 25. 你一干这个,就会失去控制。
- The minute you do this, you'll lose control.
- 26. 人老了,皮肤就会慢慢松弛。
- Your skin starts to sag as you get older.
- 27. 我现已出院,很快就会康复。
- I am now out of the hospital and well on the way to recovery.
- 28. 我肯定你慢慢就会喜欢她了。
- I'm sure you'll grow to like her in time.
- 29. 如果他们过高地估算,就会损失收入。
- If they overestimate, they lose revenue.
- 30. 你肚子饱了感觉就会好些的。
- You'll feel better with a good meal inside you.