1. 这些故事令我吃惊,并且感动了我。
These stories surprised and moved me.


2. 良好的呼吸缓慢、有节奏并且深沉。
Good breathing is slow, rhythmic and deep.


3. 他们叫我站着不动并且不要转身。
They told me to stand still and not to turn round.


4. 整个体系都效率低下并且腐败堕落。
The whole system is inefficient and corrupt.


5. 你可能会感到焦虑并且有压力。
You're likely to feel anxious and pressured.


6. 他热爱动物,并且对动物无所不知。
He loves animals and he knows all about them.


7. 她不说日语并且不熟悉日本文化。
She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture.


8. 那幢房子阴暗、老式,并且破烂。
The house was dull, old-fashioned and in bad condition.


9. 他是一个哮喘病人,并且还贫血。
He is an asthmatic who is also anaemic.


10. 世人震惊了,并且仍然震惊。
The world was, and remains, shocked.


11. 我感到内疚,并且非常懊悔。
I felt guilty and full of remorse.


12. 她有主见,并且敢于表达自己的观点。
She has a mind of her own and isn't afraid to say what she thinks.


13. 所有的房间都已打扫干净并且通了风。
The rooms had all been cleaned and aired.


14. 兰尼快速并且无声地穿过前面的草坪。
Lenny moved swiftly and silently across the front lawn.


15. 他很机敏、思维敏捷并且能机智应答。
He is very sharp, a quick thinker and swift with repartee.


16. 只喝瓶装水,并且要看封口开了没有。
Only drink bottled water and check the seal isn't broken.


17. 清洗这些蚌,并且丢掉任何合不上的。
Clean the mussels and discard any that do not close.


18. 直升机已经升级并且装上现代化设备。
Helicopters have been upgraded and modernized.


19. 她很机智并且有一个特别敏锐的头脑。
She was quick-witted and had an extraordinarily agile mind.


20. 总统同意了修正宪法并且允许多党选举。
The president agreed to amend the constitution and allow multi-party elections.


21. 他经常跟我撒谎并且开始对我拳打脚踢。
He lied to me constantly and started knocking me around.


22. 他聪明,博览群书,并且对艺术感兴趣。
He was clever, well-read and interested in the arts.


23. 他拔出匕首并且转过身去面对追他的人。
He drew his dagger and turned to face his pursuers.


24. 她停住并且转过身来,满脸洋溢着幸福。
She paused and turned, her face alight with happiness.


25. 他看起来心神不安,并且拒绝回答问题。
He looked uneasy and refused to answer questions.


26. 他有些爱摆架子,并且高估自己的能力。
He was somewhat pompous and had a high opinion of his own capabilities.


27. 她还年轻并且耽于空想。
She's still young and idealistic.


28. 他失业了并且债台高筑。
He is out of a job and up to his eyeballs in debt.


29. 我们碰了碰运气并且赢了。这真令人高兴。
We took a chance and we've won. It's very gratifying.


30. 编辑的决定是最终的并且今后仍应是这样。
The editor's decision is final and shall evermore remain so.
