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- abscess

[abscess 词源字典] - abscess: [16] Abscess comes, via French abcès, from Latin abscessus, a noun derived from abscēdere ‘go away’. The constituent parts of this compound verb are abs ‘away’ and cēdere ‘go’, which has given English cede and a whole range of other words, such as accede and recede. The notion linking ‘abscesses’ and ‘going away’ was that impure or harmful bodily humours were eliminated, or ‘went away’, via the pus that gathered in abscesses.
It originated amongst the Greeks, who indeed had a word for it: apostema. This meant literally ‘separation’ (apo ‘away’ and histánai ‘stand’), and Latin abscessus was an approximate translation of it, possibly by Aulus Cornelius Celsus, the Roman writer on medical and other matters.
=> accede, cede, recede[abscess etymology, abscess origin, 英语词源]