chromeyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[chrome 词源字典]
chrome: [19] Compounds formed from the element chromium are brilliantly coloured green, red, and yellow. Hence, when it was first described by the French chemist Vauquelin in 1797, he named it chrome, after Greek khrōma ‘colour’. This was soon latinized to chromium, and chrome was henceforth used for chromium pigments or chromium plating. The Greek adjective derived from khrōma was khrōmatikós, which as well as referring to colour, denoted the gradations of notes in a musical scale; and it was in this musical sense that it was first borrowed into English in the 17th century.
[chrome etymology, chrome origin, 英语词源]
grundyism: [19] The term grundyism ‘prudishness’ was based on Mrs Grundy, a character in Thomas Moreton’s play Speed the Plough 1798 who became proverbial for her extreme rigidity in matters of sexual morality. Dame Ashfield, another character in the play, when contemplating some ticklish moral dilemma would invariably ask herself ‘What would Mrs Grundy say?’.
chrome (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1800, "chromium," from French chrome, the name proposed by Fourcroy and Haüy for a new element, from Greek khroma "color" (see chroma); so called because it makes colorful compounds. The name was given to the metallic element now known as chromium (which had been isolated 1798 by French chemist Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin); it continued in commercial use in English for "chrome steel" (steel with 2 percent or so chrome) after the chemical name was changed internationally. As a short form of chromium plating it dates from 1937. Related: Chromic.
contemplate (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1590s, from Latin contemplatus, past participle of contemplari "survey, observe" (see contemplation). Related: Contemplated; contemplating.
plate (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., from plate (n.). Related: Plated; plating.