immediateyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[immediate 词源字典]
immediate: see medium
[immediate etymology, immediate origin, 英语词源]
intermediate: see medium
medial: see medium
median: see medium
mediate: see medium
medicine: [13] Latin medērī ‘heal’ underlies all the English ‘medical’-words (it was formed from the base *med-, which also produced English remedy). From it was derived medicus ‘doctor’, which has given English medical [17]; and on medicus in turn were based Latin medicīna ‘practice of medicine’ (source of English medicine) and medicārī ‘give medicine to’ (source of English medicament [14] and medicate [17]). The informal medico [17] comes via Italian.
=> remedy
medieval: see medium
mediocre: [16] Etymologically, mediocre means ‘halfway up a mountain’. It comes from Latin mediocris ‘of middle height, in a middle state’, which was formed from medius ‘middle’ (source of English medium) and ocris ‘rough stony mountain’.
=> medium
medium: [16] Latin medius meant ‘middle’ (it came from an Indo-European source that also produced English mid and middle). Its neuter form, used as a noun, has given English medium, but it has made several other contributions to the language, including mean ‘average’, medial [16], median [16], mediate [16] (and its derivatives immediate [16] – etymologically ‘acting directly, without any mediation’ – and intermediate [17]), medieval [19] (literally ‘of the Middle Ages’), mediocre, meridian, mitten, and moiety.

Its Italian descendant is mezzo ‘half’, which has given English intermezzo [19], mezzanine [18], mezzosoprano [18], and mezzotint [18].

=> immediate, intermezzo, mean, median, mediate, middle, mitten
biomedical (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
also bio-medical, 1961, from bio- + medical.
comedian (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1580s, "comic poet," later (c. 1600) "stage actor in comedies," also, generally, "actor," from Middle French comédien, from comédie (see comedy). Meaning "professional joke-teller, etc." is from 1898.
comedic (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1630s, from Latin comoedicus, from Greek komoidikos "pertaining to comedy," from komoidia (see comedy).
comedienne (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1860, from French comédienne, fem. of comédien (see comedian).
commedia dell'arte (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1877, Italian, literally "comedy of art;" see comedy + art (n.).
immediacy (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
c. 1600, from immediate + -cy.
immediate (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., "intervening, interposed;" early 15c., "with nothing interposed; direct," also with reference to time, from Old French immediat, from Late Latin immediatus "without anything between," from assimilated form of in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + mediatus, past participle of mediare "to halve," later, "be in the middle," from Latin medius "middle" (see medial (adj.)).
immediately (adv.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"without intervening time or space," early 15c., from immediate + -ly (2).
in medias resyoudaoicibaDictYouDict
Latin, literally "in the midst of things" (see medium).
1788 (adj.); 1791 (n.), from French intermédiaire (17c.), from Medieval Latin intermedium, from Latin intermedius (see intermediate).
intermediate (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 15c., from Medieval Latin intermediatus "lying between," from Latin intermedius "that which is between," from inter- "between" (see inter-) + medius "in the middle" (see medial (adj.)).
intermediate (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
c. 1600, from inter- + mediate (v.). Related: Intermediated; intermediating.
irremediable (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-15c., from Late Latin irremediabilis, from assimilated form of in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + remediabilis (see remediable).
irremediably (adv.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-15c., irremediabili, from irremediable + -ly (2).
materia medica (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"substances used in medicine," Latin, literally "medical matter."
media (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"newspapers, radio, TV, etc." 1927, perhaps abstracted from mass media (1923, a technical term in advertising), plural of medium, on notion of "intermediate agency," a sense found in that word in English from c. 1600.
see medieval.
medial (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1560s, "pertaining to a mathematical mean," from Late Latin medialis "of the middle," from Latin medius "in the middle," from PIE *medhyo- "middle" (cognates: Sanskrit madhyah, Avestan madiya- "middle," Greek mesos, Gothic midjis, Old English midd "middle," Old Church Slavonic medzu "between," Armenian mej "middle"); perhaps related to PIE root *me- "between." Meaning "occupying a middle position" is attested from 1721.
medial (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"a medial letter," 1776, from medial (adj.).
medially (adv.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1804, from medial (adj.) + -ly (2).
median (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1590s, from Middle French médian (15c.) and directly from Latin medianus "of the middle," from medius "in the middle" (see medial (adj.)). Originally anatomical, of veins, arteries, nerves. Median strip "strip between lanes of traffic" is from 1954.
median (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"a median part," 1540s, from Latin medianus (see median (adj.)). Meaning "middle number of a series" is from 1883.
mediant (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"third note of the diatonic scale," 1753, from Italian mediante, from Late Latin mediantem (nominative medians) "dividing in the middle," present participle of mediare "to be in the middle" (see medial (adj.)). So called from being midway between the tonic and the dominant.
mediate (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1540s, "divide in two equal parts," probably a back-formation from mediation or mediator, or else from Latin mediatus, past participle of mediare. Meaning "act as a mediator" is from 1610s; that of "settle by mediation" is from 1560s. Related: Mediated, mediates, mediating.
mediation (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., from Medieval Latin mediationem (nominative mediatio) "a division in the middle," noun of action from past participle stem of mediare (see mediator). Related: Mediational.
mediator (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-14c., from Late Latin mediatorem (nominative mediator) "one who mediates," agent noun from past participle stem of mediari "to intervene, mediate," also "to be or divide in the middle," from Latin medius "in the middle" (see medial (adj.)). Originally applied to Christ, who in Christian theology "mediates" between God and man. Meaning "one who intervenes between two disputing parties" is first attested late 14c. Feminine form mediatrix (originally of the Virgin Mary) from c. 1400. Related: Mediatorial; mediatory.
medic (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1650s, "physician, medical student," from Latin medicus "physician" (see medical (adj.)); modern sense of "serviceman in a military medical corps" first recorded 1925.
medicable (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1610s, from Latin medicabilis "curable," from medicare (see medical).
1966, U.S. medical assistance program set up by Title XIX of the Social Security Act of 1965. See medical + aid (n.).
medical (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1640s, from French médical, from Late Latin medicalis "of a physician," from Latin medicus "physician, surgeon, medical man" (n.); "healing, madicinal" (adj.), from mederi "to heal, give medical attention to, cure," originally "know the best course for," from an early specialization of the PIE root *med- "to measure, limit, consider, advise, take appropriate measures" (cognates: Greek medomai "be mindful of," medein "to rule;" Avestan vi-mad- "physician;" Latin meditari "think or reflect on, consider;" Irish miduir "judge;" Old English metan "to measure out"); also see meditation. The earlier adjective in English in this sense was medicinal. Related: Medically.
medical (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1917, short for medical examination.
medicament (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-15c., "medical skill; a medicinal compound," from Middle French médicament (15c.), from Latin medicamentum "drug, remedy," literally "means of healing," from medicare "to heal, cure" (see medication).
name for a state-run health insurance system, 1962, originally in a Canadian context, from medical + care (n.). U.S. use is from 1965.
medicaster (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"quack," c. 1600, from Latin *medicaster (source also of Italian medicastro, French médicastre, 16c.), from medicus (see medical (adj.)). The feminine form is medicastra. Compare also -aster.
medicate (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"to treat medicinally," 1620s, a back-formation from medication, or else from Late Latin medicatus, past participle of medicare. Related: Medicated; medicating. The earlier verb in English was simply medicin (late 14c.).
medication (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 15c., "medical treatment of a disease or wound," from Middle French médication and directly from Latin medicationem (nominative medicatio) "healing, cure," from past participle stem of medicare, medicari "to medicate, heal, cure" (poetic and Late Latin) from medicus "physician, healing" (see medical (adj.)).
medicinal (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., from Old French medicinal and directly from Latin medicinalis "pertaining to medicine," from medicina (see medicine). Related: Medicinally.
medicine (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
c. 1200, "medical treatment, cure, remedy," also used figuratively, of spiritual remedies, from Old French medecine (Modern French médicine) "medicine, art of healing, cure, treatment, potion," from Latin medicina "the healing art, medicine; a remedy," also used figuratively, perhaps originally ars medicina "the medical art," from fem. of medicinus (adj.) "of a doctor," from medicus "a physician" (see medical); though OED finds evidence for this is wanting. Meaning "a medicinal potion or plaster" in English is mid-14c.

To take (one's) medicine "submit to something disagreeable" is first recorded 1865. North American Indian medicine-man "shaman" is first attested 1801, from American Indian adoption of the word medicine in sense of "magical influence." The U.S.-Canadian boundary they called Medicine Line (first attested 1910), because it conferred a kind of magic protection: punishment for crimes committed on one side of it could be avoided by crossing over to the other. Medicine show "traveling show meant to attract a crowd so patent medicine can be sold to them" is American English, 1938. Medicine ball "stuffed leather ball used for exercise" is from 1889.
It is called a "medicine ball" and it got that title from Prof. Roberts, now of Springfield, whose fame is widespread, and whose bright and peculiar dictionary of terms for his prescription department in physical culture is taught in every first-class conducted Y.M.C.A. gymnasium in America. Prof. Roberts calls it a "medicine ball" because playful exercise with it invigorates the body, promotes digestion, and restores and preserves one's health. ["Scientific American Supplement," March 16, 1889]
medico (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"medical practitioner," 1680s, from Spanish médico or Italian medico, from Latin medicus (see medical (adj.)).
used as a comb. form of Latin medicus (see medical (adj.)).
medico-legal (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1835, from medico- + legal.