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- top

[top 词源字典] - top: English apparently has two distinct words top. The one meaning ‘uppermost part’ [OE] came from a prehistoric Germanic *toppaz, whose original meaning seems to have been ‘tuft of hair on top of the head, topknot’: this sense survived into English, although it has now died out, and amongst the other descendants of *toppaz are German zopf ‘plait’.
The Germanic word was borrowed into Old French as top or toup ‘tuft of hair’, which is the ultimate source of English toupee [18]. And a variant of the base from which it was formed may lie behind English tip. Topple [16] is a derivative of top. It is generally assumed that top ‘spinning toy’ [11] is a different word, but it is not known where it came from.
=> tip, topple, toupée[top etymology, top origin, 英语词源]