quword 趣词
Word Origins Dictionary
- pregnant[pregnant 词源字典]
- pregnant: [16] Latin praegnās ‘pregnant’ probably originated as a compound formed from prae ‘before’ and gnascī or nascī ‘be born’ (source of English nation, native, etc). It was altered to praegnāns, bringing it in line with present participial adjectives ending in -āns, and was borrowed into English in its stem form as pregnant. From it was derived the verb impregnāre, from which English gets impregnate [16], but English impregnable is quite unrelated, despite its similarity – it comes from Latin prehendere ‘seize’ (source also of English apprehend, comprehend, etc).
=> impregnate, nation, native, nature[pregnant etymology, pregnant origin, 英语词源] - legitimate (adj.)
- mid-15c., "lawfully begotten," from Middle French legitimer and directly from Medieval Latin legitimatus, past participle of legitimare "make lawful, declare to be lawful," from Latin legitimus "lawful," originally "fixed by law, in line with the law," from lex (genitive legis) "law" (see legal). Transferred sense of "genuine, real" is attested from 1550s. Related: Legitimately.