gripyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[grip 词源字典]
grip: [OE] Grip comes from a prehistoric Germanic verb *gripjan, derived from a base *grip-. Variants of this base produced gripe [OE] (which originally meant simply ‘grasp’), grope [OE], and possibly also grab. French borrowed it as gripper ‘seize’, from which English gets the now obsolete grippe ‘flu’ [18].
=> grab, gripe, grope[grip etymology, grip origin, 英语词源]
grip (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
Old English grippan "to grip, seize, obtain" (class I strong verb; past tense grap, past participle gripen), from West Germanic *gripjan (cognates: Old High German gripfen "to rob," Old English gripan "to seize;" see gripe (v.)). Related: Gripped; gripping. French gripper "to seize," griffe "claw" are Germanic loan-words.
grippe (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"epidemic influenza," 1776, probably from French grippe "influenza," originally "seizure," verbal noun from gripper "to grasp, hook," from Frankish or another Germanic source, from Proto-Germanic *gripanan (see grip (v.), gripe (v.)). Supposedly in reference to constriction of the throat felt by sufferers; the word spread through European languages after the influenza epidemic during the Russian occupation of Prussia in the Seven Years' War (c. 1760), and Russian chirpu, said to be imitative of the sound of the cough, is sometimes said to be the origin or inspiration for the word.