bookkeeper (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[bookkeeper 词源字典]
also book-keeper, 1550s, from book (n.) + keeper. A rare English word with three consecutive double letters. Related: Bookkeeping, which is from 1680s in the sense "the work of keeping account books;" book-keep (v.) is a back-formation from 1886.[bookkeeper etymology, bookkeeper origin, 英语词源]
post (v.2)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
in bookkeeping, "to transfer from a day book to a formal account," 1620s, from post (n.2) via a figurative sense of "carrying" by post horses. Related: Posted; posting.
up-to-date (adv.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1840, "right to the present time," from phrase up to date, probably originally from bookkeeping. As an adjective from 1865. Meaning "having the latest facts" is recorded from 1889; that of "having current styles and tastes" is from 1891.