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- rota

[rota 词源字典] - rota: [17] Latin rota denoted ‘wheel’: it came ultimately from a prehistoric Indo-European base *reth- meaning ‘run, roll’, which also produced German rad ‘wheel’. It was introduced into English in 1659 by the republican James Harrington as the name for a political club he founded to advocate his idea that government office should be held in rotation. Derivatives of rota have contributed richly to English.
Medieval Latin rotārius has given rotary [18]. From the verb rotāre ‘revolve’ have come rotate [19] and, via its Spanish descendant rodear, rodeo [19] (etymologically a ‘roundingup’ or ‘surrounding’ of cattle). Rotundus, a derivative of rotāre, has produced rotund [18] and round. The diminutive form rotulus has given control and roll.
And roue ‘wheel’, the French descendant of rota, is the source of roué [18], etymologically someone broken on the ‘wheel’.
=> control, prune, rodeo, roll, rondo, rotate, rotund, round[rota etymology, rota origin, 英语词源]