servient (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[servient 词源字典]
1640s, from Latin servientem "subordinate," present participle of servire "be a servant, be a slave" (see serve (v.)).[servient etymology, servient origin, 英语词源]
subservience (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1670s, from subservient + -ence. Related: Subserviency (1620s).
subservient (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1630s, "useful, serviceable," from Latin subservientem (nominative subserviens), present participle of subservire "assist, serve, come to the help of, lend support," from sub "under" (see sub-) + servire "serve" (see serve (v.)). The meaning "slavishly obedient" is first recorded 1794. Related: Subserviently.
capital of Austria, Latin Vindobona, from Gaulish vindo- "white," from Celtic *vindo- (cognates: Old Irish find, Welsh gwyn "white;" see Gwendolyn) + bona "foundation, fort." The "white" might be a reference to the river flowing through it. Related: Viennese.