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- fig

[fig 词源字典] - fig: English has two words fig. Fig the fruit [13] comes via Old French figue, Provençal figua, and Vulgar Latin *fica from Latin ficus. This, together with its Greek relative súkon (source of English sycamore and sycophant), came from a pre-Indo-European language of the Mediterranean area, possibly Semitic. Greek súkon was, and modern Italian fica (a relative of fico ‘fig’) still is, used for ‘cunt’, apparently in reference to the appearance of a ripe fig when opened.
English adopted the term in the 16th and 17th centuries as fig, fico, or figo, signifying an ‘indecent gesture made by putting the thumb between two fingers or into the mouth’ (‘The figo for thee then!’ says Pistol to the disguised king in Shakespeare’s Henry V 1599). The now little used fig ‘dress, array’ [19], as in ‘in full fig’, probably comes from an earlier, now obsolete feague, which in turn was very likely borrowed from German fegen ‘polish’.
This was a derivative of the same prehistoric Germanic base, *feg-, as produced English fake.
=> sycamore, sycophant; fake[fig etymology, fig origin, 英语词源]