PhyllisyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[Phyllis 词源字典]
fem. proper name, generic proper name for a comely rustic maiden in pastoral poetry (1630s), from Latin Phyllis, a girl's name in Virgil, Horace, etc., from Greek Phyllis, female name, literally "foliage of a tree," from phyllon leaf," from PIE *bholyo- "leaf," from root *bhel- (3) "to thrive, bloom," possibly identical with *bhel- (2) "to blow, inflate, swell" (see bole). In English, often spelled Phillis, probably from influence of phil- "loving." Her sweetheart usually was Philander.[Phyllis etymology, Phyllis origin, 英语词源]
smallpox (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
acute, highly contagious disease, 1510s, small pokkes, as distinguished from great pox "syphillis;" from small-pock "pustule caused by smallpox" (mid-15c.); see small (adj.) + pox. Compare French petite vérole. Fatal in a quarter to a third of unvaccinated cases.
Wassermann (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
test for syphillis, 1909, from German bacteriorologist August Paul Wassermann (1866-1925), who devised it in 1906.