bibliomancy (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[bibliomancy 词源字典]
1753, "divination by opening a book (especially the Bible) at random," the first verse presenting itself being taken as a prognostication of future events, from biblio- + -mancy. In pagan times, Homer (sortes Homericae) and Virgil (sortes Virgilianae) were used.[bibliomancy etymology, bibliomancy origin, 英语词源]
Virgilian (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1510s, from Latin Virgilianus "of or characteristic of the Roman poet Virgil" (Publius Vergilius Maro, 70-19 B.C.E.). Also in Virgilian lots (Latin sortes Virgilianae), opening Virgil at random as an oracle.