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wolfyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[wolf 词源字典]
wolf: [OE] Wolf is an ancient word, which has been traced back to Indo-European *wlqwos. This, or its variant *lukwos, also produced Greek lúkos (source of English lycanthropy ‘(delusion of) turning into a wolf’ [16]), Latin lupus (source of French loup, Italian lupo, and Spanish lobo, and probably also of English lupin [14]), Sanskrit vrkas, Russian volk, Polish wilk, Czech vlk, Serbo-Croat vuk, Lithuanian vilkas, Latvian vilks, Albanian u’lk, and Armenian gail. In prehistoric Germanic it gave *wulfaz, which has evolved into German, Dutch, and English wolf and Swedish and Danish ulv.
=> lupin, lycanthropy[wolf etymology, wolf origin, 英语词源]