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mirroryoudaoicibaDictYouDict[mirror 词源字典]
mirror: [13] Mirror belongs to a small family of English words which illustrate how a Latin term originally signifying ‘wonder at’ weakened (presumably via ‘stare in wonder at’) to ‘look at’. Etymologically, a mirror is something you ‘look at’ yourself in. The word comes via Old French mirour from Vulgar Latin *mīrātōrium, a derivative of *mirāre ‘look at’.

This was closely related to classical Latin mīrārī ‘wonder at’ (a derivative of mīrus ‘wonderful’), which passed into Old French as mirer ‘look at’, source of English mirage [19]. Based on mīrārī were Latin mīrābilis ‘wonderful’ (source of English marvel [13]) and mīrāculum ‘something to be wondered at’ (source of English miracle [12]).

=> marvel, miracle, mirage[mirror etymology, mirror origin, 英语词源]