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fountainyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[fountain 词源字典]
fountain: [15] Latin fons meant ‘spring of water’ (it was related to Sanskrit dhan- ‘run, flow’). The feminine form of its adjectival derivative, fontāna ‘of a spring’, came to be used in late Latin as a noun, also meaning ‘spring’, and this passed via Old French fontaine into English, still carrying its original sense ‘spring’ with it. This survives in the reduced form fount [16], which is usually used metaphorically for a ‘source’, but fountain itself has from the 16th century been mainly applied to an ‘artificial jet of water’.

Other descendants of Latin fontāna, incidentally, include Italian fontana, Romanian fîntîna, and Welsh ffynon. Fontanelle ‘space between infant’s skull bones’ [16] comes ultimately from Old French fontenelle, a diminutive form of fontaine. The underlying notion appears to be of an anatomical ‘hollow’, as if from which a spring of water would come.

=> fontanelle, fount[fountain etymology, fountain origin, 英语词源]