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tendyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[tend 词源字典]
tend: English has two distinct words tend, but they come from the same ultimate source. Tend ‘look after’ [14] is short for attend, which goes back to Latin compound verb based on tendere ‘stretch’ – source of English tend ‘have an inclination’ [14]. Tendere itself was descended from the Indo-European base *ten- ‘stretch’ (source also of English tenant, tenuous, thin, tone, tune, etc), and its other contributions to English include contend [15], distend [14], extend, intend, portend [15], pretend, and also ostensible, tendency [17], tense, tension, and tent.
=> contend, distend, extend, intend, ostensible, portend, pretend, tenant, tense, tent, tenterhooks, tenuous, thin, tone, tune[tend etymology, tend origin, 英语词源]