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concertyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[concert 词源字典]
concert: [16] Concert probably comes ultimately from Latin concertāre, a compound verb formed from the prefix com- ‘with’ and certāre ‘strive, contend’, a verb derived from certus ‘sure, fixed’ (source of English certain), which in turn came from cernere (source of English concern). Some etymologists have rejected concertāre as the origin of concert, on the grounds that its meaning – ‘dispute, debate’ – was completely opposite, but it seems that in post-classical times the Latin verb came to mean ‘strive together (in cooperation)’ – a much more plausible sense relationship.

It passed into Italian as concertare ‘bring into agreement’, and developed specific musical connotations of ‘harmony’. English acquired it via French concerter. The noun concerto [18] was an Italian derivative of the verb; French borrowed it as concert, and passed it on to English as the noun concert [17]. Concertina was coined in the 1830s, from the noun concert.

=> certain, concern, concertina, concerto, disconcert[concert etymology, concert origin, 英语词源]