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curryyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[curry 词源字典]
curry: Of the two English words curry, the older, ‘groom a horse’ [13], is now almost forgotten except in the compound currycomb and the phrase curry favour. It comes, via Old French correier, from Vulgar Latin *conrēdāre ‘arrange, prepare, get ready’, which seems to have been an adaptation and partial translation of a prehistoric Germanic verb *garǣthjan, a derivative of the base which produced English ready.

The expression curry favour is a partial translation of Old French estriller favel or torcher favel, literally ‘groom a chestnut horse’, which, for reasons that are not known, was used as a metaphor for hypocritical behaviour; the word favel, unfamiliar to English speakers, was replaced with the semantically appropriate favour. Curry ‘spiced dish’ [16] was borrowed from Tamil kari ‘sauce’.

=> ready[curry etymology, curry origin, 英语词源]