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throwyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[throw 词源字典]
throw: [OE] Old English thrāwan meant ‘twist, turn’. It came from a prehistoric Germanic *thrējan, which also produced German drehen ‘turn’. This in turn went back to the Indo- European base *ter-, whose other descendants include Greek teírein ‘wear out’, Latin terere ‘rub’ (source of English attrition [14], contrition [13], and trite [16]), Lithuanian trinù ‘rub, file, saw’, Welsh taradr ‘auger’, and English thread and turn.

It is not clear how the original sense ‘twist, turn’ (which survives in ‘throwing a pot’ on a potter’s wheel) evolved in English into ‘project, hurl’ (first recorded in the 13th century), but presumably there must have been some intermediate phase such as ‘throw with a twisting action – as in throwing the discus’.

=> attrition, contrition, thread, trite, turn[throw etymology, throw origin, 英语词源]