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poem: [16] A poem is etymologically ‘something created’. The word comes via Old French poeme and Latin poēma from Greek póēma, a derivative of poeín ‘make, create’. The original sense ‘something created’ developed metaphorically via ‘literary work’ to ‘poem’. From the same Greek verb was derived poētés ‘maker’, hence ‘poet’, which produced Latin poēta and in due course English poet [13] (the Old English word for ‘poet’ had been scop, a relative of modern English scoff). Poetry [14] originated as a medieval Latin derivative of poēta. Poesy ‘poetry, poems’ [14], like poem originally a derivative Greek poeín, now has an archaic air, but it has a living descendant in posy [16], which started life as a contraction of poesy.
=> poesy, poet, poetry, posy[poem etymology, poem origin, 英语词源]