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steeryoudaoicibaDictYouDict[steer 词源字典]
steer: Steer ‘control direction’ [OE] and steer ‘young ox’ [OE] are quite unrelated. The latter comes from a prehistoric Germanic *(s)teuraz, which also produced German and Dutch stier, Swedish tjur, and Danish tyr ‘bull’. It was descended from a base denoting ‘strength’ or ‘sturdiness’ (source also of Sanskrit somethingūra- ‘strong, thick’), and may be related to Latin taurus ‘bull’. Steer ‘control direction’ comes from a prehistoric Germanic *steurjan, source also of German steuern, Dutch stieren, Swedish styra, and Danish styre.

This in turn was derived from the noun *steurō ‘steering’, which also lies behind English stern and the first syllable of starboard.

=> starboard, stern[steer etymology, steer origin, 英语词源]