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noticeyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[notice 词源字典]
notice: [15] One of the main Latin verbs for ‘know’ was nōscere (earlier gnōscere), a distant relative of English know and, via the derived cognōscere, source of a wide range of English words, from cognizance to reconnaissance. From its past participle nōtus was formed the noun nōtitia, which denoted ‘knowledge, acquaintance’.

English took this over via Old French notice, and at first used it only for ‘advance knowledge, warning’ (as in ‘give someone notice of something’). The main modern sense, ‘heed, attention’ (as in ‘take notice of’), did not emerge until the end of the 16th century (and the use of the verb notice for ‘observe, perceive’ is later still, dating from the mid-18th century).

Also from the Latin past participial stem nōt- come notify [14], notion [16], and notorious.

=> cognition, know, noble, notion, notorious, reconnaissance[notice etymology, notice origin, 英语词源]