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primeyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[prime 词源字典]
prime: [OE] Latin prīmus ‘first’ came from an earlier *prīsmo-, which went back ultimately to Indo-European *pro ‘before, in front’ (ancestor also of English first). English first acquired it direct from Latin in the Anglo-Saxon period as an ecclesiastical term for the earliest of the canonical hours, and this is the source of the modern English noun uses of the word (as in ‘in one’s prime’).

The adjective prime was borrowed in the 14th century from Old French prime. English has a wide range of words that go back to derivatives of Latin prīmus, including premier [15], prim, primal [17], primary [15], primate [13], primitive [14], prince, principal, and principle. The trade-name Primus was first used for a sort of paraffin lamp in the early years of the 20th century.

=> first, premier, prim, primitive, prince, principle[prime etymology, prime origin, 英语词源]