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shipyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[ship 词源字典]
ship: [OE] Ship comes from a prehistoric Germanic *skipam, which also produced German schiff, Dutch schip, Swedish skepp, and Danish skib. It is not known for certain where this came from, although a link has been suggested with Latvian shkibīt ‘cut, hew’, in which case the underlying meaning of ship could be ‘hollowed-out log’ – a ‘dugout’, in other words.

The Old High German form schif was borrowed into Italian as schifo, and this made its way via French esquif into English as skiff [16]. The Middle Dutch form schip had a derivative schipper ‘captain of a small ship’, which has given English skipper [14]. And equip too comes from a relative of English ship.

=> equip, skiff, skipper[ship etymology, ship origin, 英语词源]