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termagentyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[termagent 词源字典]
termagent: [13] Termagent was originally the name of a blustering arrogant Muslim deity in medieval mystery plays; it was not used for a ‘quarrelsome woman’ until the 16th century. It was an alteration of an earlier Tervagant, which came via Old French Tervagant from Italian Trivigante. It is not known for certain where this came from. It has been interpreted as literally ‘three-wandering’, in allusion to the moon travelling in different guises to heaven, earth, and hell, as if it were formed from Latin tri- ‘three’ and vagārī ‘wander’ (source of English vagabond, vagrant, etc); but it may simply have been borrowed from some unknown oriental language.
[termagent etymology, termagent origin, 英语词源]