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scribeyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[scribe 词源字典]
scribe: [14] Scribe is at the centre of a large network of English words that go back to Latin scrībere ‘write’. Others include ascribe [15], describe, scribble [15], and shrive, while its past participle scriptus has contributed script [14], scripture [13], and transcript [13]. Scribe itself comes from the Latin derivative scrība ‘official writer’. Scrībere went back to an Indo-European base which meant ‘cut, incise’, reflecting the origins of writing in carving marks on stone, wood, or clay; this was *skreibh-, an extension of *sker-, from which English gets shear, short, etc.
=> ascribe, conscription, describe, scribble, script, share, shear, short, shrive, transcribe[scribe etymology, scribe origin, 英语词源]