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skilletyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[skillet 词源字典]
skillet: [15] Skillet may come ultimately from the same source as English scuttle ‘large container’ – Latin scutella, a diminutive form of scutra ‘dish, platter’. This was altered in the postclassical period to *scūtella, which passed into Old French as escuele (source of Middle English skele ‘dish’, recorded only once). A further diminutive form escuelete ‘small platter’ emerged, which is a plausible source of English skillet. (An alternative possibility is that it was derived from the now virtually obsolete English skeel ‘bucket’ [14], which was borrowed from a Scandinavian source related to Old Norse skjóla ‘bucket’.)
=> scuttle[skillet etymology, skillet origin, 英语词源]